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CHAPTER EIGHT |sibling bonding time|

Lucy stormed her way through Thorpe Abbots. She wasn't angry at her brother, but she was mad at him.

Their B-17 had landed a few minutes ago, and by their sue meant her and Buckys seeing as him being her co-pilot may become a full time thing.

The mission was a mission from hell. Hardly any of the B-17s managed to make it to the drop sight before mechanical failures or collateral damage occurred from the enemy.

Luckys plane however did make it. Her bomber didn't. By now she had come accustomed to loosing her crew members and them getting them replaced. It was sad, but they didn't have time to mourn for long until someone was there to fill their place.

Of course they never really filled them, they more or less served as a distraction and replaced the dead man's position. But that was just the way of the world and the way of this war. It was an untimely, unforgettable and unfortunate factor. That played a part into the bigger picture that was winning the war, or at least attempting to win it by some miracle.

Moral amongst most of the men was high but so were the death rates that soared higher and rose every waking day. From
sunset to sun-fall and all that came in -between, including nighttime, loses occurred.

Lucy counted herself one of the lucky ones for she had yet to loose her brother, and hoped to never loose him. Not to mention the pain in her backside, which was John Egan, had also managed to stay alive by some miracle.

Despite not wanting to admit it aloud, Lucy would be heartbroken if John didn't return from one of his missions. For even if he was forbidden and she was cursed with his presence he was quite the eye candy to look at.

But she wasn't looking for John right now, she was looking for her brother, the very man who had placed her and Bucky together in the first place. She simply wanted to know his reasoning behind it and then maybe say a few words to him.

She knew she could handle herself and that was something Gale needed to accept too. This was her life and everyone around her was just living in it. As she was also living in everyone else's life around her. What she was trying to say was she could deal with her own problems and she could most definitely deal with flying her own plane, by herself with no help from one John Egan.

She had trained equally, if not more, as hard as him. Lucy didn't want Gale to see her as weak, which is how she felt when she saw him say in her co-pilot seat, weak in the knees.

And that is coincidentally also how she felt when she saw him driving his keep around the camp wearing his sheepskin leathers, green military hat and those stupid tinted black sunglasses, that every Major seemed to own. But he still looked better than them all.

When the sight of Gales living quarters came into view Lucy sped up her walking speed with a bounce of excitement in her step.

"Gale." She called for him as she entered his shared room with the other twelve men inside. "Can we talk?" She said and sent him a small glare. She didn't want to come off too hard so kept the glaring at her brother to a minimum.

After all they had small and petty fights like this all the time back home in South Dakota. It had been a very common theme in their childhood memories.

He seemed to already know what she was going to talk to him about because he gave her a curt nod before slowly rising and moving to her side.

She led him outside and the sibling duo walked around for in silence for a while. Lucy didn't want to yell at him seeing as she was sure he had good intentions even if they didn't quite come off as that.

"Why did you tell John to babysit me?" She asked him straight up. Not wanting to waste any unnecessary misunderstanding and get through with this quickly.

"He wasn't babysitting you." Gale said and clenched his fists before unclenching them again. "I called in a favour, and he agreed. That was it."

"Was the favour to babysit me?" She asked and Gale shook his head immediately and rather intensely.

"No, and you know that. I just wanted him to keep an eye on you."

"There's a very thin line between Babysitting and 'keeping an eye on you'." Lucky replied using her hands as air quote marks when she quoted his own words.

Gale bit down on his tongue. He knew exactly what he wanted to say but he didn't know how to say it. She was his little sister, his baby sister and he quite simply didn't want to see her get hurt by even more of her fellow crew member's deaths. Not to mention that John was quite realisable when it came to flying planes, and bailing out of them.

"Lucy, I just wanted to keep you safe." Gale informed her and she stopped her half glare that had spread across her features when he said that.

She understood what he had meant by that. She also wanted to keep her brother safe but she could only do so much before it went into the hands of the CO. No one could just let the Cleven siblings fly together considering they had their own crew and ships.

Gale was just scared of loosing her. That why he had called in his favour with John and made him 'babysit' Lucy for the remainder of the Bremen mission today.

"You don't have to keep me safe." She replied calmly before she let out a small laugh. "I'm not your baby sister anymore, Buck."

"I know, but you'll always be my baby sister." He reassured and moved his hand over her head and messed up her hair. She swatted away his hand before cursing under her breath.

"We'll never grow up will we?" Lucy laughed.

"To me you never will." Gale replied implying that she would always be his baby sister, no matter what.

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