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CHAPTER SIX | big Jet plane |

Lucy groaned as she woke up. She was very hungover and must have passed out considering she was not in her own bed, she was in the bed next to Gale's. He probably carried her here last night after she passed out.

Sitting up Lucky reached for her throbbing head. It wasn't that bad of a hangover, nothing a couple cups of coffee couldn't fix.

But all she could remember was dancing with John, going to apologise to Richy then, clearly, drinking a lot of alcohol then  she was out cold.

"Look who's finally up." The familiar raspy voice of John Egan made her head do several somersaults.

Flipping over to face him and her breath caught in her throat. Before her stood a half naked Bucky with nothing but a towel covering his lower region. The town snaked around his waist and revealed his rather built body which included abs and the edge of a v-line.

Lucy's eyes worked their way up until they met his face. Water dripped down the front of his wet, curly hair.

"Hey, John." She gulped.

"Hey, darling." He replied and tilted his head to one side watching her every move.

The pair stayed this way for a while. Simply staring at each other. What was a few seconds felt like hours when Lucy stared at John Egan.

Slowly his towel began to slip until it completely fell to the floor. Lucy's eyes widened but before she could see anything her eyes were covered by a hand.

Her brother's hand.

"Buck. What did I tell you." Gale said. Surprisingly he didn't sound all that mad at what he had just seen occur between his sister and best friend.

"Yeah, John. What did he tell you?" Lucy mimicked, her eyes till covered by her brother's hand.

"Hey! How was I supposed to know the towel was going to fall!" John defended.

The shuffling sound of clothes being put on drew around Lucy's ears. Slowly Gale's hand moved away. Now John was partially dressed in his uniform. Trousers on and shirt clinging to his shoulders but still undone. So of course Lucy bathed in what she could see while it lasted.

After all eight buttons were done up she changed the topic of conversation.

"So what happened last night?"

Gale and John both exchanged looks and sighed. Well Gale sighed, John let out a deep chuckle.

"We danced together. Do you remember that?" John asked.

"Yes." She nodded.

"That was not what happened." Gale cut in. "Bucky got you absolutely wasted. Then you started dancing on the table so we bought you back here."

Lucy's eyes widened and she face palmed her forehead into her hands.

"Don't worry, Princess. I let you sleep in my bed." John said, as if it would make the embarrassment die off.

"Wow, thanks John." She replied sarcastically. "Did I really dance on a table?" She pleaded for them to both say they were lying.

"Yes." Gale said.

"Don't worry, Lucky. If you don't remember it, it never happened." Bucky, once more tried to lighten the mood.

"Says the guy who pretended to be a unicorn when he was drunk." Gale was clearly enjoying this moment very much.

"They are my favourite extinct animal." John smiled to his best friend.

Gale and Lucy gave each other knowing looks before the trip burst out in fits of laughter. Bucks was mostly light shakes of his head whereas Lucky and Bucks were feral laughs from the bottom of their chest's.

Their laughter stopped when the red light above their beds flicked on emitting the room in a small red glow.

"A mission? Now?" Lucy questioned and looked at the two boys.

"Go get ready, Lucy." Gale told her and she nodded before standing up ready to make her way back to her own quarters and leave the two of them behind for a while at least.

When she entered her room her uniform for the day was already placed neatly on her bed where she had left it the night before.

She wasn't usually a clean person but seeing as everything around here was always so messy, including her own mind. She thought it would be better if she at least had her own clean space to return to after missions. Especially if they took a toll on her.

"Lucky! There you are." Richy said as he walked into the room.

She was already dressed now in her sheepskin and so was he. Ready to be the co-pilot and pilot of Luckys Baby.

"Hey, Richy." She said and continued packing her clothes away into her trunk so it remained neat when she came back.

"You ready to fly today." He asked her and sat down on whoever's bed was opposite her own.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Good. I have a good feeling about this one."

"Don't jinx it." She smiled and he smiled back.

They headed to the briefing room together. Lucy's hand rubbed against the pockets of her jacket. Inside was her lucky charm. A small piece of home from her family house all the way back in America.

Thinking about it home was so far from here it almost seemed like she had been gone for years. Despite it only being a few short months since she left. Her Mother probably missed having her around the house. So did her younger sibling she presumed. Maybe they didn't after all she had always been much closer to Gale.

It had always been her Gale against the world. Now it was her Gale and Bucky against the Germans. That was the only fitting statement she could put her current situation into. But one fact remained. She was glad that Bucky was Gales best friend. She was glad they had formed their very own little gang between the three of them.


Updates are gonna be probably two every day in the afternoon! But please remember go star the chapters and comment !!

Also I watched the final episode and I'm broken. In the ending credits where it said that Bucky was Bucks best man I cried. But at least I'm on MOTA tik tok and am now healing by watching John Egan thirst traps for the next month or so!!!

Also if anyone had watched band of brothers is it worth watching? Cause someone recommended it to me and said it was like masters of the air.

Anyway thanks and sorry for this short chapter it's just I wanted to show Lucy, Gale and Johns relationship a bit more before documenting their bombing missions more!

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