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Walking towards the large winged, metal vehicle Lucy couldn't help but let out a shaky sigh that had built up within her bones. She could feel the dread washing over her in the passing seconds.

Would this mission be any different without Gale by her side in the air? Her mind was clouded with the ghost of him but never the less she placed a shaky hand on the side of the B-17. In less than a few minutes she would be going down the runway, ready for takeoff. Ready to drop bombs. Ready to sign her life off to that of a pilot yet again.

"Don't think about him while you're flying, Lucy." Johns voice came out as nothing more than a whisper. Lucy turned around to face him. Her eyes flicked between his eyes and the floor.

"How could I not?" She replied and shot him a weak smile. She needed John to know that she was okay before they parted ways. She would hate to think of him worrying about her. However upon more serious thinking Lucy found her eyes turning glassy.

"You're my girl, Lucy." John whispered as one of his large hands wrapped around the back on her head, his thumb brushing away the stray tears that slipped down her cheeks.

"My girl." He whispered again and placed his forehead against hers.

She wanted to kiss him right now. But she didn't. She just nodded and pulled at her lower lip, trying to hold back the tears that fell for her brother. He had only been gone for a few days, and she already couldn't take it.

But she would never believe he was dead. He got out. Was what she kept on telling herself, he parachuted out and was safe somewhere. It was the only way she could sleep at night. She felt guilt filling her up to the brim.

"Bucky." She said his nickname for the first time ever. His face lit up when he realised but he didn't tease her about it he stayed quiet for once and just bathed in the glory, silently. "You better fucking come back." She hushed out a small cry of laughter.

"You better come back to me." She added softly.

Slowly her hand moved to the top of his head and entangled in his dark brown curls.

"If you die. I'll fucking kill you." She muttered and laughed a little at how stupid that statement sounded. It made no sense but to them it did.

"The same goes for you, darling." He placed a small kiss on her forehead before the pair left each other side and moved to their separate planes. Yes, they're seperate planes. Due to the number of losses the two Majors could no longer fly together.

The warmth both of them had felt when they were close was now gone. In its place lingered the ghost of each other touch.

When Lucy bought herself through the plane and sunk into the cockpit. Quickly she wiped the loose tears streaks that had fallen. She was relieved to see a familiar face. The face of her old co-pilot, Richie.

"I don't believe it." Lucy said looking at him.

"Reunited once again." Richie said and held his hand out for her to bump. Which she did.

The small interaction calmed her nerves in a way. The feeling of normalcy kept her heart from falling out of her chest to the floor.

This mission was risky, but that was half the fun. Bombing Münster would be very hard but Lucy Cleven could do it. She was sure with the pure adrenaline and feelings that coursed through her veins that she could. As long as they had the air advantage then it would be alright.

If they didn't, and the Germans were prepared for them. With flak lined up and their own fighter jets at the ready then their chances were even slimmer.

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