Chapter 16

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"No, I want you guys to go investigate someone. For the last year or so, a powerful presence has emerged in the land of snow; the red enchantress. Here's a picture of her."

"Only investigate?" Sakura questioned.

"Yes, only investigate. If contact is to be made, make sure to stay peaceful even if she has only taken out researched criminals. If you can install a relationship with her it would be amazing, noting her power she would be an incredible add on to our forces."

"Is that it?" Kakashi sensei asked.

"Yes, now you guys can go now."

And with that, team 7 took off for the land of snow.

— — —

Sasuke only looked forward to missions because he had a slight chance of finding Hanako, or trails that lead to her. Ever since she left, all of his focus drifted to getting stronger for her sake and finding her. Whenever the topic was about something else, he was completely disconnected.

"Sasuke, did you listen to us?" Sakura asked.


"You clearly didn't, try focusing!" Naruto yelled. "Why are you always so distracted when it comes to missions?"

"I'm not distracted. What were you talking about?" He responded, kicking rocks while walking.

Kakashi sensei cut his blond student off to prevent any more disagreements. "We'll be there in a couple of hours. If we see her and she isn't fighting we'll try to go talk to her. If she is fighting, then we'll wait."


"You know, maybe we'll find Hanako!" Naruto said enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" Sasuke said, a smile making its way onto his face when he thought about the possibility of finding his old friend.

"You really appreciated her huh?" Kakashi asked.

"Of course I did!" He replied, a blush forming onto his smiling features.

Back to Hanako (Hanako's POV):

Kazuki and I went to the mission office. I had helped them for a year so they had placed a great amount of trust in me. We conversed and they finished by giving me the mission to intercept an illegal exchange and to retrieve the scroll in question.

We made our way towards the rogue ninja making light conversation. Over the two years we had spent together, I had gotten to know Kazuki pretty well. Even if at first sight he was rude and disconnected, we had built a pretty sturdy friendship. What had me drawn to him in the first place was his resemblance to Sasuke's personality.

I definitely had missed him the most.

We used to do everything together, and I left, without a word. I've felt bad for leaving the village, but especially for leaving him. For the last two years there wasn't a day I didn't think about him, but I had to focus on my training. The better I got, the faster I could go back to see him.

We quickly spotted the bandit and blocked the pathway in front of him. "The enchantress is paying me a personal visit huh?"

"Maybe I am. What's your business in the land of snow?"

"How is that any of your business?"

"How about you hand over that stolen scroll?"

"How about I don't?"

"I see, you're a sassy one huh." I said, laughing. "You'll regret not handing over that scroll, you know that right?"

"Like you'll beat me?" He said, looking dead into my blood tainted eyes. That was all I needed to cast my new genjutsu on him, turning the criminal into a mindless drone.

"Hand over the scroll." I said.

It was only a matter of seconds for the man to hand the scroll over to me. I was only instructed to bring back the scroll to the authorities, so I left the man behind. If my genjutsu had been perfected, he would stay unconscious for a day or two, leaving the authorities enough time to catch him.

Kazuki and I took off for the mission office to deliver the scroll. "I wonder what's so special about this scroll." He said, eying it up and down.

"Maybe they'll tell us, let's ask."

Both of us were engaged in our conversation making the walk back to the office pretty fast. Once we got to the front desk, we started asking the lady questions about the scroll.

"I'm sorry, I have no idea what's in that scroll. Thank you for bringing it back though."

"No problem. Hey Kazuki, how about we stop for some dango? I'm getting hungry."

"Hanako, we have to go back."

"Please please please please, it'll be quick I promise."

The dragon sighed and left the office. "Come on Hanako." I followed quickly behind, a smile on my face. We sat down at a nearby shop we had previously defended from thieves, the waitresses had developed a liking for Kazuki.

"What would you like today?"

"I'll take some dango please."

"And you?"

"No thank you. I'll go take a walk Hanako, I'll be back in about 10 minutes."


"I'll get you those dangos."

In the meantime, four people I used to know appeared before me. My heart dropped at the sight of them. My former sensei spoke, "Are you the red enchantress?"

"I guess I managed to make a name for myself huh?" I said, finding Sasuke's gaze landed on me. It looked like his life was ripped away from him, he looked emotionless. If only he knew I wanted to go back so bad. "But yea, that is me."

"Where are you from?" Sasuke asked.

"That's confidential, I wouldn't want people knowing all about me." I said, laughing. "Why did you guys want to visit me?"

Kakashi started talking, but it didn't take long before he was interrupted, "We wanted to form an-"

"Kakashi sensei look over there!" Sasuke said, pointing something in the distance. "It's like Hana's summoning! Can we go?" He was talking about Kazuki, if you left the colors out, he and Kayo looked the same.

"Wait a bit Sasuke, it's coming our way."

"Come on, we have to go now!" Kazuki yelled.

"Give me like, five minutes, pleasee. They were talking to me!" I begged.

"Hanako, you know why we need to leave."

"HANAKO?" Sasuke yelled, looking at me bewildered, making me smile.


How do you think their reunion will go?

Thank you all so much for reading this! If you have any suggestions feel free to comment them.

I'm sorry for the late update, I lost electricity yesterday.

I just noticed I got #1 for shisuiuchiha, thank you guys so much!

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