Chapter 9

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"No, who are you?"

"He's Fugaku, my husband."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. But why am I here?"

"Hanako, you got kidnapped."


They continued questioning me about what I knew and what I didn't, it was concluded that some parts of my memory had disappeared in no particular order.

— — —

We talked and talked and the feeling I was this close to remembering everything wouldn't go away. Whatever they asked me, I had this feeling, like I knew what to answer. My time at the hospital went by quickly, but I still didn't recover the memories I had lost.

I would still train with Sasuke, but I had to relearn all the things we had practiced together. I'd remembered pretty much everything, except Fugaku and most of my ninja related abilities. People even had to explain to me why my head hurt, or why I needed a blindfold most of the time. I had forgotten what my own eyes were capable of doing, which disappointed me a lot.

On a separate account, the kidnapping attempts against me stopped, no one tried anything anymore. I could roam the village aimlessly again, but I still stayed in the Uchiha compound as a precaution. I didn't understand that, why keep me there if I didn't need help?

They explained that I would've graduated early if it wasn't for my memory loss. I had great techniques I forgot, taking away the privilege of early graduation from me. I was pretty disappointed, but nonetheless happy I could spend more time with the friends I had made at the academy.

Speaking about the academy, it went by in the blink of an eye. The years had passed pretty fast, it was now time for our exam.

We were all sitting in the classroom when Iruka sensei called out names one by one to head into the evaluation room to show him our clone jutsu. That was my best jutsu. I had found the diary I copied the blood clone scroll into and had relearned it. But how was I able to master that jutsu? When I had shown Sasuke to hopefully teach him after days of him begging, he wasn't able to. Nobody else was able to master it other than me.

The fact I was the only one able to do it along with the fact it was a blood jutsu made me wonder about my history. I had no recollection at all about my family members, or anything about the things I could do.

The only things I knew were that I had to wear a blindfold to not be overwhelmed by all the chakra I could sense and that I had pretty eyes. But other than that, I knew nothing.

While Iruka sensei called out students to evaluate them, I was sitting with Sasuke, and Kiba.

"This is going to be sooo easy."

"Don't get too cocky Hana."

"I'll never be as cocky as you Sasuke."

"Yeah, Hanako's right, she could never be as cocky as you are."

Our conversation got cut short when Iruka sensei called out for me. "Hanako, it's your turn." Once I heard him I quickly left my two friends behind to head into the evaluation room.

"You know the drill, give me a perfect clone of yourself."

I rotated the chakra through my veins while I made the hand signs necessary for my clones. After a few seconds I emitted the necessary amount of chakra for a few clones. Why only make one when you can make five?

Five perfect clones of me appeared, leaving my sensei dumbfounded, again. He never really understood how I could make those clones. He had tried to recreate them but wasn't able to. He gave me my headband and congratulated me before letting me go outside, after telling me when the date to know our teams was.

Once the hokage finished his speech congratulating us, Sasuke and I went on our weekly exploring adventure. We ventured for a few hours East, before we realized we were lost, and that the sun was setting.

We had no resources and were stranded in the forest. Both of our minds were panicking, but our only option was to set up camp and hoped for the best.

We cut up trees with our jutsu's and built a small cabin with branches and leaves. Our cabin was pretty small, but big enough to fit two 12 year olds. We quickly ventured off to sleep after our convo.

"You better not take this as an opportunity to cuddle up with me Hana." He said, chuckling.

"Please Sasuke, I should be the one asking you that."

"Come on, I know you want to. At least a little bit."

"You wish"

Once the sun was back in the sky we resumed our journey, hungry and thirsty. We kept walking until we reached a desert that seemed to have some water.

"Look at that Sasuke, I think that's water!"

"It's red Hana, I don't think it's safe."

"Well I don't think it's safe to not drink water for a long time. Pick a struggle, you're dumb AND weird Sasuke. Choose." I said, running towards the lake before I looked at the liquid without my blindfold. "It's safe. It's just red from the iron in it."

I quickly made my hands into a bowl before drinking an insane amount of water. I hadn't drunk for about a day now, I was pretty thirsty. My eyes started aching but I ignored it, continuing to drink the red water until my pain it became unbearable. Like my eyes were getting ripped out.

I felt some liquid falling down my face, my blood falling down my face.

"Holy shit what is that," I groaned in agony.

I turned to look at Sasuke and his face was the only thing I needed to know something was wrong.

"Holy shit Hana what is that!"


What do you think happened to her eyes?

Where do you think they are?

Thank you so much for voting and commenting (if you did). 200 views is insane. I'm so grateful for you guys, and I'm sorry for not updating this before today, I had sports practice and I got sick yesterday.

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