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"What the hell, you know everything is over," she said, her expression filled with shock

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"What the hell, you know everything is over," she said, her expression filled with shock.

"Yeah, and guess who I got married to... Wait, wait, do you even know who married your sister?" I asked, wanting to instill a sense of fear in her.

"What? You married Vanya..." she said, grabbing my collar in a fit of anger.

"Back off, I'm married now, and I can't stand it when other girls touch me," I replied, pushing her away.

"How dare you," she yelled, her voice filled with rage.

"Don't raise your voice. You know exactly why I married your sister, or do I need to remind you?" I said, lowering my voice to a dangerous tone.

"You know, I was in love with you, but you, you, selfish girl, just used me," I continued.

"You know we were about to get married, but you filed a complaint against me just a day before the wedding, accusing me of Raped you..." I said, punching the wall in frustration.

"I spent two months in jail, and when the police were about to arrest you, you fled the village, didn't you?" I said, my anger boiling over.

"Yes, I did," she replied, seeming indifferent to it all.

"Well, now just wait and watch what I'll do," I warned her, storming off and getting into my car.

As I entered the room, my gaze fell upon her, Vanya, peacefully sleeping on the bed. My initial reaction was frustration as I noticed she hadn't positioned herself properly for a comfortable sleep. "Damn, she didn't sleep in the right position," I whispered to myself, feeling a mix of annoyance and concern. Without hesitation, I gently lifted her in my arms and carefully laid her down, ensuring she was fully settled on the bed.

As I watched her sleep, a single tear escaped from her closed eyes. It was in that moment that I truly felt the depth of her pain. The difference between us was that I had experienced my share of heartache due to a girl I had fallen deeply in love with, while Vanya was suffering from her own struggles caused by certain individuals.

In that tender moment, I reached out and held her hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. "No evil eye can touch you now," I whispered softly, my voice filled with determination.

"I will do everything in my power to protect you, but I can't deny that I'm afraid of myself. What if I become the source of your pain? But I promise you, Vanya, if I ever do anything to hurt you, I won't let myself off the hook easily. I won't allow any harm to come to you because I deeply understand the significance of self-respect for women. I promise to honor and uphold your self-worth."

In that moment, I was overcome with the desire to kiss her hand, a gesture of tenderness and affection. However, I held back, not wanting to disturb her peaceful slumber.

Vanya : a sinful pure spirit Where stories live. Discover now