Chapter 5, The Painful Reunion: Meeting The Traumatizer

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*The unexpected intrusion shatters the intimate bubble between Akira and Katsgue. As the door swings open, a girl with distinct pale blue hair, enters the room. The sudden interruption causes both Katsgue and Akira to turn towards the newcomer with widened eyes.*

(???) - ...

(Katsgue) ...

(Akira) - ...

*The girl then makes a swift exit, closing the door behind her. Katsgue and Akira's gazes meet, their eyes locking.*

(Katsgue) - Shit. 

(Akira) - Fuck.

*Reacting swiftly, Akira rises from her position and retrieves her clothes, moving wi with katsgue following suit. both of them efficiently donning their clothes within a span of 10 seconds. Akira takes a determined step towards the door, opening it and stepping out of the room. The door closes behind her, marking her departure.*

(Katsgue) Mind - Oh shit...

 [The scene changes as Akira starts conversing with someone outside the bedroom.]

(Akira) - So um, Heyyyyy.

*The girl she's talking to steps closer, gently holding Akira's hands, her smile a warm invitation as she begins to speak:*

(???) - I don't even wanna hear it. 

*The girl takes on a curious and lighthearted tone as she asks:*

(???) - SO Who's Him? 

(Akira) - Just my man. 

*The girl's eyes widen with excitement.* 

(???) - AHHHHHHH, Already!? 

*Akira's smile widens and she lets out a playful giggle in response.* 

(Akira) - Haha, Yes Freya. 

(Freya) - I'm Expecting Babies, Atleast 4 Of Them. Two boys and two Girls!

*Akira's laughter, a playful response to Freya's comment:*

(Akira) - Hahaha, Freya You Need To Stop It.

(Freya) - I'M FOR REAL, AKIRA. You need to have at least four kids with that man, because, not gonna lie...

*Freya leans in closer, her face in proximity to Akira's, her voice taking on a hushed and playful tone as she whispers.* 

(Freya) - I saw how well-built he is, You NEED to have kids with him. 

*Stepping back, Freya's tone shifts to one of sarcasm and humor.* 

(Freya) - I mean, hey, if you don't have any kids with him, I probably will. 

(Akira) - Yeah, Right Freya, Okaaay.

(Freya) - Okay But Lemme Be For Real, You SHOULD And NEED Have Babies With Him.

(Akira) Mind - We're only in high school though, why is she stressing it that much?

(Akira) - Alright Freya, Noted. 

(Akira) - Cmon inside. 

*Both Akira and Freya turn their attention to the door and proceed to enter the room together.* 

(Akira) - He'll be glad to see you, although he'll probably act like he wont.

(Freya) - Let's hope so. 

*As soon as Katsgue's eyes meet Freya's, an intense sensation of discomfort washes over him, causing his eyes to widen in shock. He hastily averts his gaze. Meanwhile, Freya's expression transforms from a sinister smirk to a more gentle smile. The duo continues to move, with Akira settling onto her bed, closely followed by Freya. Katsgue, however, positions himself at a slight distance from them.*

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