Fragmented Reflections of Turmoil, Part 5

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(Katsgue) Mind - I need to think of some way-

*Mr. John moves swiftly towards Katsgue, displaying incredible agility akin to that of a cat. He launches a lightning-fast punch directly at Katsgue's face. With impressive reflexes, Katsgue manages to block Mr. John's punch. He deftly shifts his weight, speed, and momentum, causing Mr. John to go flying behind him, somersaulting through the air. Mr. John lands on his feet and slides backward, his eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected turn of events. Akane watches in astonishment, her eyes wide at the display of skill and agility from Katsgue. As Katsgue turns his attention back to Mr. John, he can see that the teacher has regained his composure and now wears a determined expression. Mr. John readies himself for the next move, clearly impressed by Katsgue's quick reflexes and adaptability. The arena crackles with energy as the battle continues.*

(Katsgue) - Mr. John?

(Mr. John) - Yes, Katsgue?

(Katsgue) -  Can I think for a moment?

(Mr. John) - Yeah, don't take long.

(Katsgue) Mind - I'm not sure if I should hold back.

(Katsgue) Mind - Not gonna lie, though, I could've broken his arm.

(Katsgue) Mind - Alright, if I'm going to have to fight, then I shouldn't hold back.

(Katsgue) Mind - I have to release some pent up anger anyways.

(Mr. John) Mind - That was likely just luck.

(Mr. John) Mind - He's scared shitless right now, This is going to be way too easy

(Mr. John) -  Katsgue, are you done yet?

(Katsgue) - Hm? Yeah

(Mr. John) - Finally.

(Katsgue) Mind - Oh he's excited.

(Katsgue) Mind - Then let me reciprocate that with some excitement of my own. 

*As Katsgue begins his stretches, he takes a moment to carefully loosen up his muscles, priming himself for the impending battle. With each stretch, Katsgue feels the tension in his body slowly dissipate, his mind honing in on the task ahead. He takes a deep breath, centering himself, and enters a state of profound concentration. The atmosphere around him seems to shift as he becomes singularly focused on Mr. John.*

(Katsgue)  - Alright. 

*Katsgue's tense expression softens, and he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. With a look of intent to overpower, his eyes snap open, and a short burst of energy radiates from his body, displacing the dust around him. He partially taps into his Equinox form, allowing his body to channel an unseen surge of pure negative energy, hidden from the perception of others. Just before both of them spring into action, he exhales, releasing a visible stream of heavy CO2 from his mouth and when Akane notices this, she thinks:*

(Akane) Mind - What the hell?

*With negative energy surging through him, Katsgue dashes forward, nearing the speed of sound and creating shockwaves in his wake. The ground beneath him trembles as he propels himself toward Mr. John with incredible force. In a blink of an eye, Katsgue appears right in front of Mr. John, his swift movements leaving everyone astonished. As Katsgue's sudden presence looms before him, Mr. John finds himself frozen in surprise, momentarily unable to react to the lightning-fast movements.*

(Mr. John) Mind - No way.

*Katsgue's fist tightens with incredible force, causing the muscles under his shirt to bulge as he prepares for a powerful strike. With the punch already in motion, his eyes widen at the realization, and he attempts to swiftly adjust his power, trying to lessen the impact just before it reaches Mr. John. The force of the punch is noticeably reduced, but it still carries enough strength to create a powerful shockwave upon contact.*

(Katsgue) Mind - Shit.

*Mr. John is sent flying backward, propelled by the force of Katsgue's punch. He crashes into the arena wall, creating a small crater upon impact. Katsgue approaches Mr. John with a mixture of concern and worry. He checks to see if his opponent is okay after the powerful punch. The rest of the class watches in silence, amazed by the display of strength and skill.*

(Katsgue) - Are you okay, Mr. John?

(Katsgue) Mind - That nigga better still be alive to give me those elixirs.

*Seeing Mr. John groan, Katsgue extends a hand to help him up. The tension in the arena starts to ease as it becomes clear that the fight was not intended to cause harm but rather to test each other's abilities. The class, including Akane and Sabrina, continues to watch with interest, wondering how the rest of the battle will unfold.*

(Mr. John) - Yes, I'm fine

(Mr. John) - You're strong, considering you took down a low-D-class opponent.

(Katsgue) - I suppose so.

(Katsgue) Mind - Nigga I don't give a damn; I just need the elixirs.

*Mr. John opens a storage rift, revealing a case filled with delightful elixirs. He offers the case to Katsgue, a fitting reward after their intense battle. Katsgue quickly seizes the case from him, and a spark of excitement gleams in his eyes.*

(Katsgue) Mind - YES, I don't know if he really meant to offer this, but these elixirs contain things in here that can aid in spiritual training.

(Katsgue) Mind - HELL, there's even one for elements.

*He holds the case firmly, making his way to a corner where he gently sets it down and sits beside it. While walking, Akane eyes him with suspicion.*

(Akane) Mind - How could a shit stain like him with no aura take down a class D?

*Akane briefly reminisces about the events of period 1.*

(Akane) Mind - Even if my power is weapon summoning, I can sense even the tiniest traces of aura from anyone or anything.

(Akane) Mind - However, in trigonometry, I couldn't sense anything coming from him.

(Akane) Mind - So how?

*Katsgue remains unaware of her gaze.*

(Mr. John) - Alright, class, as you can see, I was defeated.

(Mr. John) - Meaning that for today and today only, you can do whatever you want.

*Mr. John makes his way to the stands. He settles into a seat, pulls out his phone, and begins to scroll through social media.*

(Mr. John) - Just don't make any noise

*Katsgue's gaze fixates on his right hand as he falls into contemplation. The arena around him seems to fade into the background as he delves into his thoughts.*

Katsgue) Mind - Back there, I was gonna use 25% cause i really wanted to win that fight.

(Katsgue) Mind - Had I kept going and gone ahead with 25%?

*In his mind's eye, Katsgue envisions the potential dangers and the grim outcome that could befall Mr. John if he were to tap into 25% of his equinox. The image is vivid, a stark reminder of the immense power he holds within and the responsibility that comes with it.

(Katsgue) Mind - His head would've flown off his shoulders and smashed into bits.

*A shiver runs down Katsgue's spine in response to the weight of his thoughts.*

(Katsgue) Mind - This damn power is way too strong for me right now.

*He clutches his arm in pain, wincing slightly. The magnitude of his power and the potential consequences weigh heavily on him, sending a palpable shudder through his body.*

(Katsgue) Mind - On top of that, my body feels sore from using it.

(Katsgue) Mind - I should've just used 5% instead of cancelling the flow of pure negative energy from my equinox core.

(Katsgue) Mind - The damn after effect is annoying as hell to deal with.

*A circle forms around Katsgue as everyone gathers around him. He lifts his gaze, surveying his surroundings and taking in the sight of everyone gathered around him. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, and all eyes are on him.*

(Katsgue) Mind - What the hell do you people want?

(Katsgue) - Uh, Hi?

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