Fragmented Reflections Of Turmoil, Part 3

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*Katsgue finally arrives at his Power Performance Class. That begins in the classroom, with the teacher giving lectures. However, the real action takes place in a massive stadium that dwarfs even a grand arena. The stadium's floor is composed of large, clean concrete slabs, providing ample space for battles to take place. Viewers can comfortably watch the action from designated areas, while contestants can use specific sections to plan strategies before battling. Katsgue hangs his book bag on the hanger in the left corner of the room before taking his seat at a desk close to the corner of the room, conveniently close to a window.*

(Katsgue) Mind - This must be heaven's work, two times in a row that I have a corner. GIYAD, THIS IS THE BEST AND WORST.

*Mr. John, the teacher of the class, starts calling out names for attendance.*

(Mr. John) - Amber Jade...

(Amber) - Here...

(Mr. John) - Akane Sabrina

(Akane) - Here

*Katsgue's attention is drawn by the voice, leading him to turn his gaze towards its source, where he finds Akane.*

(Katsgue) Mind - No. Fucking. Way.

*Katsgue bows his head, shutting his eyes and releasing a sigh. He feels the weight of stress creeping in, prompting him to pinch the bridge of his nose.*

(Katsgue) Mind - Not her again.

(Katsgue) Mind - Please don't tell me all the classes I have are also the same classes she has.

*Mr. John squints, exerting effort to read the name on the attendance sheet.*

(Mr. John) - Katsgue Kairos?

*With a touch of reluctance, Katsgue raises his hand slowly, his eyes still closed. He speaks up, his voice tinged with reluctance as he says:*

(Katsgue) - Here.

(Akane) - Yeah, some little shit in my first-

*Upon hearing a familiar voice, Akane turns to her right and looks back, spotting Katsgue seated diagonally from her. Her expression undergoes a noticeable shift, transitioning from calm to one of annoyance and anger as her eyes lock onto Katsgue.*

(Akane) Mind - Why. The. Fuck. Is. He. Here?

*Their eyes meet, and Katsgue gazes at Akane. However, before anything else transpires, Akane slowly turns around, punctuating her frustration with a deliberate cracking of her knuckles.*

(Akane) Mind - Fuckin dipshit, I want to pound his face right now.

(Katsgue) Mind - Does this broad think that'll scare me?

*After Mr. John has called on about 30 students, he sets the attendance paper aside and proceeds with the class.*

(Mr. John) - Morning Class, we'll be learning about Aura control and its fundamentals-

*A collective groan ripples through the classroom, voicing the shared displeasure of the entire class.*

(Mr. John) - Listen, I really don't give a shit about what you guys want and don't want, but if you guys really don't want to do anything today, I'll give the class one chance to pick a person to go against me, and if that person wins, we will not do anything for the whole day.

*Akane abruptly stands up, a smile on her face, capturing the attention of her classmates.*(

Mr. John) - Except for you, Ms. Akane.

(Akane) - Oh, come the fuck on.

*With clear signs of disappointment, Akane abruptly plops back down into her seat.*

(Katsgue) (Mind) - Yeah, no, they're fucked. I'm not fighting that guy; too much work for me.

*One minute elapses, and no one has stepped forward or been chosen to face Mr. John in the upcoming battle.*

(Mr. John) - Time's up. No one's going to fight me?

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