Fragmented Reflections Of Turmoil, Part 2

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*Ms. Nova strides over to the board, grasps a piece of chalk, and proceeds to inscribe an exceptionally intricate problem involving momentum and physics. Katsgue shifts his attention towards the board, his thoughts racing as he observes:*

(Katsgue) Mind - The hell she is doing.

(Ms. Nova) - Solve this.

*She gestures towards the board, indicating the complex problem she has set for him to tackle.*

(Katsgue) Mind - Oh hell nah bitch I need to get to my other class and you got me staying here, doin this bullshit.

*With a sigh, Katsgue steps up to the board and accepts the chalk from Ms. Nova's hand. He scrutinizes the problem, then turns to her with a dumbfounded expression, clearly perplexed by the complexity of the task.*

(Katsgue) (Mind) - What the fuck is this?

(Katsgue) - Miss, this is a math class, right?

(Ms. Nova) - Correct, you are sir.

(Katsgue) - Well mam, I don't know this-

(Ms. Nova) - This will be worth 60% Of your grade, so know how to do it. 

*Upon hearing Ms. Nova's explanation, Katsgue's eyes widen in realization as he thinks:*

(Katsgue) Mind - Brooo, I JUST STARTED.

(Ms. Nova) - If you get it wrong then you might be kicked out, if not then your definitely gonna struggle.

(Katsgue) - ...

(Katsgue) Mind - Alright you damn witch, listen here, I wasn't forced to work my ass off just to get kicked out of a school I JUST got ACCEPTED into.

(Katsgue) - I'll try.

(Ms. Nova) Mind - That's one less student I have to teach. He'll never figure it out, even I've been struggling with that problem.

*Katsgue inhales deeply, his concentration sharpening to a laser focus, as he taps into 70% of his brain's capacity. In this heightened state, his mind works at near-peak efficiency, processing hundreds of thousands of possible solutions in a fraction of a second. Astonishingly, after a mere 4.2 seconds, Katsgue arrives at the correct solution for the demanding problem on the board. Ms. Nova is left utterly flabbergasted, her jaw dropping in sheer amazement at Katsgue's remarkable ability to decipher the complex equation with such lightning speed.*

(Katsgue): *Sighs*

(Katsgue) - Am I right, Ms. Nova?

*Skeptical, she retrieves her calculator and begins the process, taking a full 15 minutes before finally arriving at the answer. Her jaw drops even further in astonishment as she turns to Katsgue. Then, a broad smile of admiration and approval illuminates her face as she says:*

(Ms. Nova) - That's all Mr. Katsgue, you may go

*Katsgue returns the chalk to Ms. Nova, retrieves his book bag, and makes his way towards his second-period class.*

(Ms. Nova) Mind - Everyday for the last 14 years of my life, I've been going at that problem and I always manage to complete it in 15 minutes or more.

(Ms. Nova) Mind - He however, whose never even seen that problem before, managed to solve it. On top of that, he solved it in under 5 seconds.

(Ms. Nova) Mind - Who?-

(Ms. Nova) Mind - What is he?

[The scene transitions to Katsgue making his way to his next class.]

(Katsgue) - Both of those fuck tards need to go fuck themselves, Shit stain one and two. That damn bitch with her fist all in my face, just let me see her. 

*Katsgue slips his hands into his pockets and strides onward towards his class. As he walks, a boy approaches from behind and calls out to grab his attention.*

(???) - Hey.

*Katsgue turns his head, replying:*

(Katsgue) - What-

*In a sudden, surprise attack, the boy unleashes a lightning-fast punch at Katsgue. Katsgue's eyes widen at the approaching fist, and he acts swiftly, side-stepping and rotating his head to narrowly dodge the incoming strike. Seizing the opportunity, he counters with agility, swiftly extracting his left arm from his pocket. He grabs the boy's arm, retaliating with a punch from his right hand that comes dangerously close to the boy's face but stops just short of making contact. The tense exchange happens in a matter of seconds.*

(Katsgue) Mind - The fuck?

(Katsgue) - You got a problem bud?

(???) - Shut the fuck up you piece of shit

(Katsgue) Mind - What's problem? Come to think of it, isn't he that guy with the red hair?

(Katsgue) Mind - Marven was it?-

(Katsgue) Mind - Ah no, Maverick.

(Katsgue) - What do you want Maverick?

(Maverick) - For you to go fuck yourself.

*As Maverick's arm begins to heat up, Katsgue senses the surge of impending energy. Reacting swiftly, he releases his grip on Maverick and takes two steps back, putting some distance between them. The hallway seems to buzz with tension and anticipation.*

(Maverick) - You got really fucking lucky, I held back from trying to really putting you in a morgue.

(Katsgue) - Nigga what?

*Maverick closes in on Katsgue, their faces mere inches apart. The room holds its breath; the tension is palpable.*

(Maverick) - You heard me pussy bitch.

(Katsgue) - Alright bruh.

*Maverick seizes Katsgue's shirt, forcefully slamming him against the wall. He inches closer, their faces almost touching, and delivers a stern warning with intense determination. The room seems to hold its breath, the atmosphere charged with tension.*

(Maverick) - You ever talk or even think about trying to talk like that to Akane again, I'll make sure that you never see day light again.

(Katsgue) Mind - Bitch, Is this nigga high?

(Katsgue) Mind - You're holding me down like I can't really knock that empty head of yours clean off your fucking shoulders.

(Katsgue) Mind - I'm gonna spare this Nigga cause God knows well that I'm not trying to take a life today.

(Katsgue) Mind - I don't have time to deal with this shit head right now cause I'm already late to fucking class so I'll be logical about this.

(Katsgue) - Alright sorry, I wont talk to her ever again. Now can I get going to class?

*Maverick shoves Katsgue and releases his grip on the shirt. He steps back, spitting on the floor before him, eyes fixed on Katsgue. After the brief altercation, Katsgue quickly turns away, determined to leave the confrontation behind. As Katsgue walks towards his destination, Maverick crosses his arms, hurling insults in an attempt to provoke a reaction. The tension lingers in the air, but Katsgue remains focused on moving forward.*

(Maverick) - Fucking sissy-boy.

*Katsgue abruptly halts, his gaze fixed on the crowd ahead, an undercurrent of intense rage simmering just beneath the surface. His pupils pulsating as he struggles to keep the impending rage within. The atmosphere tightens, and a palpable tension fills the air.*

(Katsgue) - *Inhales* *Exhales*

(Katsgue) Mind - This fuck boy, I'll be sure he's the first person I put in a damn hospital.

(Katsgue) - Calm down Katsgue, u can't do anything irrational yet.

*After a moment of inner struggle, Katsgue manages to regain his composure and decides to let go of the anger, choosing to focus on getting to his class instead. He continues walking forward with a more composed demeanor.* 

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