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Even preoccupied by the perpetual buzz in her concussed head, Y/n noticed the faraway look in Cole's eyes

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Even preoccupied by the perpetual buzz in her concussed head, Y/n noticed the faraway look in Cole's eyes. While Sorla explained a map of the mountains (and the directions to the Ice Castle) to Lloyd, the other ninja waited just outside the cabin.

Y/n leaned against the wooden wall with her brother, who stood separated from the rest of the group. "Hi, Cole," she said gently.


She winced. It was rare to hear him so tired, so devoid of a whisper of a smile. "What's on your mind?"

Cole blinked, finally tearing his gaze from the ground. "What? Uh, nothing."

"It's alright if you don't want to tell me," Y/n began. She saw him visibly relax. She shot him a pointed look. "That being said, you have to tell me."

His eyes widened like a deer in headlights. "Have you always been this terrifying . . ?"

"I hope not. Now answer the question."

"Okay, okay . . . I just feel like I'm letting everyone down," Cole admitted. "I lost the Traveler's Tea, our only way out of this place! If we never make it back . . ."

"Cole, that wasn't your fault," Y/n said sincerely. "Anyone would've dropped it. The Land Bounty was falling off of a cliff. No one can blame you for that."

He frowned. "It definitely sounded like they did."

"It did seem like that, but I don't think they meant it. Everyone was just stressed," explained Y/n. "They shouldn't have jumped on you like that."

Cole remained uncertain. "Remember when we were stuck on Chen's island?"

Of course she did. That was how Y/n had discovered her elemental powers. It was also the first time she had genuinely lost her brother. The memories made on Chen's island were equal parts cathartic and chaotic; it was a faraway yet fresh fever dream now.

"When Clouse pinned Jay and I against each other, Jay said he thought I was the least valuable ninja," Cole said with a heavy sigh. "I'm scared he might be right."

"She asked me what I did to deserve my powers. Deep down, I ask myself that too."

They may not have been blood related, but in that moment, Y/n could see her own insecurities reflected in her brother. Imposter syndrome seemed to be a genetic condition in the Brookstone-Blacksmith family, and it broke her heart a little to know her brother felt that same self doubt she always did.

"You're the rock of our team, Cole. You're the one we all know we can count on," Y/n said. "If you feel guilty about the Traveler's Tea, I understand. But that doesn't make you worth any less than anyone else." She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "We all make mistakes."

"Well, I have to make up for this one."

She reluctantly nodded. "If that's what you think is right . . ."

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