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welcome to y/n's off-cannon adventures!

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welcome to y/n's off-cannon adventures!

The horizon burned gold in the distance as the sun began to sink behind the city line. Y/n watched from the helicopter pad of Borg Tower. No one ever really landed helicopters there, and if one were to come . . . she could dodge. She let the warmth of the sun's rays kiss her face, the hood of her gi down.

To her left, Skylor Chen sat criss-cross, holding a takeout box of noodles in one hand and a pair of chopsticks in the other. She had been on her lunch break when Y/n had swooped in to kidnap her. If anyone was down to enable Y/n and her impromptu excursions, it was Skylor (at least when Lloyd was occupied).

The other ninja were back at the Monastery as Y/n patrolled the city. They'd been on an unofficial break of sorts since the Oni invasion, but Y/n found herself unable to relax. She had been feeling terrible ever since the time she'd lost control of herself on the mountain. Constantly looking out for Ninjago felt like the only way she could redeem herself.

Skylor managed to convince her to take breaks every now and then. Sunset snack sessions became routine for them.

"How's your day been so far?" Y/n asked casually.

"Entertaining," Skylor responded. "A group of kids walk in from a costume party. They were dressed as you ninja," she explained with a grin. "The Y/n asked if you and Lloyd are getting married."

Y/n choked on her puffy potsticker.

Skylor nudged her shoulder. "So, are you, o great peach ninja?"

The younger girl's face was pink as she said, "Seriously? We just started dating. Plus, we're only nineteen." She didn't want to mention the fact that she really was fifteen; she hated explaining that part to people. "What about you and Kai?" Y/n deflected.

"What about me and Kai?" Skylor said, playing dumb.

Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, don't pretend no one saw you guys winking at each other like there was no tomorrow."

The master of amber laughed at that. "Okay, fine. I don't really know what we are," she admitted. "But I'm fine with waiting. There's no rush."

"Like there's no rush for me to get married," Y/n grumbled saltily. "The real question is: when are Nya and Jay tying the knot? They're engaged now."

Skylor's eyes widened; she hadn't heard yet. "Wow. When did that happen?"

"Right before the Oni stormed the Monastery," Y/n recalled. "Jay thought it was his last chance."

"It almost was," Skylor pointed out. "Speaking of which . . . good job saving the world, Pinkie."

Y/n frowned, not at the nickname, but at the praise she didn't deserve. She didn't think she had helped at all. If anything, she'd been a liability.

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