On somewhere in a omitted building one built man is sitting on a couch with cigarette on hand and is looking at...

one unconscious figure who is tied up in a bed with both legs and hand spread apart with a blind fold on eyes.


"Ssh" The same man sushed his gaurd and indicate with his eyes that the poor guy who's sleeping on bed will wake up if he make any sound.

Gaurd nodded his head and comes near him to whisper on his ears.

"Right now we get to know that jeon's have found out the location"

Mr. Park throw a glance towards him and said "Go out"

He said and get on his feet to reach the unconscious figure.

"I should finish my work before they came" He whisper near the sleeping figure ears and left a peck on his earlobe.

He uncover the blind fold first and got lost on the beauty.

"How come someone be this beautiful" Mr. Park said and tuck some hair behind his ears.

"Taehyung" Mr. Park whisper.

Taehyung is unconscious from shock, there are some bruises on his hands but apart from that no major injury is in his body, he is breathely perfectly..

Mr park thinks to wake taehyung because he wants taehyung to hear whatever he's going to say..

"Taehyung" He sprinkle some water on taehyung face.

Taehyung blink his eyes when the drops of water touch his face and after  squirming in his sleep he open his eyes slowly.

A yawn erupt from his mouth, his eyes finally popped open and the first face he saw was of... Bogum?

Taehyung heart thumped when he saw bogum face is close to his.

"H-hyung?" Taehyung stammer.

"Tae" Bogum says and smile a little.

When taehyung feels something is off he looks left and right and his heart take a rhythm when he saw he's tied up in a bed.

"H-hyung what is this" Taehyung said and tried to jerk himself from the chains.

"Tae wait" Bogum says and tried to stop the guy who's pulling the chains aggressively.

"Wait you'll get hurt" Bogum scream.

"What I'm here for" Taehyung said and tried to get up but then he felt his legs are tied up too.

"What-what you want" Taehyung says disbelief.

"Wait" Bogum says and first calm the guy who's on the verge of losing his shits.

"Hyung what is this untie me" Taehyung says and again pull the chain because of pulling the chain's harshly it's lefting awful marks on his both wrist and leg.

"Tae calm down" Bogum says and cup taehyung face gently.

Taehyung looks at him with wide eyes because this is the first time taehyung is seeing bogum behaving like this, on the very first day of meeting they click so good like brothers or friends but now everything seem different.

"Why -why I'm here"

And then taehyung remember when he was talking with jungkook on call to ask for permission, suddenly their tire get blown out and they had an accident.

"Where is eunwoo hyung" Taehyung ask immediately.

"Who's he" Bogum ask.

"Untie me" Taehyung scream and thrash his legs and hands.

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