14: The Show Must Go On Pt.1

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After Charlie had rallied up all of the cannibals, they started to train for battle like their lives depended on it, which was nothing but the absolute truth. Day after day, the cannibals and the residents of the Hotel practiced their skills and prepared themselves physically and mentally for the battle restlessly, with their hearts all pounding in synchronization of facing between the afterlife and eternal death.

Susan and a few other cannibals were perfecting their methods to stab and rip off flesh, while a few meters away, Vaggie was busy explaining the ways of penetrating exorcists in the perfect angle to swiftly kill them. Charlie was encouraging and motivating everyone to keep on going, and grinned widely when Alastor came from the lobby to look at everyone's progress.

"Alastor!" Charlie greeted, approaching him with so much excitement that she could very well explode into confetti. "You're joining in as well?"

Nodding, Alastor grinned as well and walked towards the massive group of sinners and cannibals. Charlie squealed happily and pumped her fists into the air, while Vaggie chuckled and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

Aria came out of the lobby as well, with her hair tied up, ready as ever for her last training session before the actual battle. Once she noticed Alastor, the lioness demon tilted her head in confusion at the sight of him smirking cockily at something.

"Good afternoon, dad." She called out, smiling when she saw his fluffy ears perking up to the sound of her voice. When Alastor turned around, she walked towards him with her arms behind her back. "Whatcha looking at?"

Chuckling, Alastor shook his head dismissively and grinned down at her with a much softer smile. "Nothing in particular, my dearest. You needn't worry." He said, before reaching out to pet her hair affectionately. "Are you ready for a training session?"

Aria beamed in reply, her tail flicking around happily at the fact that Alastor was joining in as well. "More than anything else. Let's go!" She laughed, taking Alastor's hands and pulling him to a big area of space, where they could practice their combat skills once more. In response, Alastor laughed as well and followed his darling ward.

Meanwhile, Charlie watched everyone from the entrance of the Hotel. Sighing, she turned towards Vaggie, who had just come up to her with a small smile. "Oh, I wish my mom were here to see this." She admitted.

"The cannibals seem ready to fight." Vaggie commented, looking towards the bloodthirsty cannibals once more before looking towards Charlie again. "Are we?"

It was just then when Sir Pentious burst out of the doors of the Hotel, wearing a blue, Victorian-style British army uniform. He stood proud and tall with his outfit and approached the two women. "Fear not, damsels! I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!" He proclaimed.

"And what in the world are you supposed to be?" Vaggie questioned, resting a hand on her waist while Charlie fawned over Sir Pentious' readiness for battle.

The snake demon gave the Princess and her girlfriend a salute, just like a general. "General Pentious, reporting for duty! I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all!" Sir Pentious bragged, being very sure of himself.

"Awh, thank you, Pen." Charlie said while Vaggie pinched the bridge of her nose.

After that, Niffty scurried towards them with almost too much energy in her tiny frame. "What can I do to help?" She asked with a maniacal grin, holding two dead rats in her hands.

"I'm glad you asked, soldier." Sir Pentious replied, leaning down to meet Niffty's eye-level before standing up straight once more. "The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall. Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault!" He ordered.

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