08.5 Radio Killed the Video Star Pt.2

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When Alastor and Aria went downstairs to the lobby, both of them suddenly felt a tad sluggish. The young lioness yawned, causing Alastor to yawn as well.

Aria was then jolted out from her sleepy state when Alastor stopped in his tracks at the very bottom of the stairs. Charlie had almost bumped into him, and what really dragged her out of her grogginess was the sight of Sir Pentious following the Princess.

What the fuck.

Why was Sir Pentious here?! Did Charlie bonk her head with a sledgehammer, get a concussion and go nuts? Aria stared at the snake suspiciously, giving him a death glare as a warning to not try to do anything funny. Flinching, Sir Pentious held back an intimidated screech and hussled closer to Charlie.

"Oh, uh, Alastor! Our gracious facility manager!" Charlie introduced. Aria swore she saw Alastor frog blink from his boredom. His intrigue was piqued however, when his eyes landed on the dorky snake demon in front of him.

"And here we have Aria-" the Princess was about to introduce the young lioness to Sir Pentious when Aria cut her off.

"Oh, don't worry, Charlie. We're fairly acquainted with each other." She snarled and bared out her fangs and claws, causing Sir Pentious to cringe in discomfort. She reveled in his fear. "Fairly acquainted." She repeated.

Sensing the murderous aura coming from Aria, Charlie chuckled nervously and turned to the Radio Demon instead. "Okay! Okay, Alastor, you've met our newest guest Sir Pentious, right? Hehe..."

"This won't end well at all," Aria thought to herself as Alastor adjusted his monocle and spoke in a fake, upbeat tone.

"Ah, yes! Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure. You're the one who ruined my coat!" He greeted. His eyes then glowed a fiery red, with the temptation to rip Sir Pentious to pieces rising in his chest like a raging fire. Aria could almost smell his ire.

"I definitely remember you now..." The Radio Demon snarled in a sinister tone, his eyes narrowing since he still held a giant grudge against Sir Pentious for ripping his coat.

Gulping nervously, the serpent turned to Charlie for assistance. She took action immediately and got in between the two men while Aria moved away to watch from a distance.

"Well, I guess this is the perfect time for your first lesson, Pentious!" Charlie announced, clearing her throat. "'How to Apologize!' The first step to betterment is to admit when you are in the wrong. Why don't you give it a shot?"

"Yes! Uhmm..." Sir Pentious stuttered, making a feeble attempt to apologize. There was a hint of genuineness in his tone, but it was mostly carpeted by fear. "Uh, Mr. Radio Demon sir, please forgive me for attacking you and ruining your very lovely coat. I sincerely apologize. Uhm... here."

He handed back the small piece of fabric he tore from Alastor's coat as a token of apology with a nervous, fanged smile on his scaly face.

Taking it between his thumb and index finger, the stag inspected the damage with a sadistic grin. "Aho! Not many people have been able to take even this much off of me! It must have meant quite a lot to you."

For a moment, Alastor's eyebrows furrowed down, giving Sir Pentious and Charlie thin hope that he'll forgive and forget, only for him to summon a tiny green flame and burn the little fabric tear.

* SNRK *

Aria was about to cry from laughter while the Princess and the snake were stunned to silence. They watched the piece of fabric turn into dust with defeated faces.

She wrapped her tail around one of her legs in some feeble attempt to cease her snickering. Those little bursts of laughter came again and again like waves crashing against the seashore.

Daughter of the Radio Demon: The Lilting Huntress (Father Figure! Alastor × OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora