13: Hello Rosie Pt.1

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Aria sat by Alastor's legs in the lounge, where the rest of the Hotel's residents were, except for Charlie. She and Vaggie had returned from their meeting in Heaven, and they brought back not only defeated expressions to the crew, but also an immense revelation of who Vaggie truly was: an Exorcist angel. Or rather, Ex-exorcist angel.

The group of sinners started to bombard Vaggie with countless questions, all of them except Alastor and his ward. Both of them stayed silent save for the occasional ear scratches given to Aria by the deer demon. To those two, this was merely entertainment, even though they were surprised at knowing Vaggie's past as well.

"So like, where are your wings?" Niffty squinted her single eye at Vaggie and looked at her attentively, sitting on the Hotel's vintage TV while dangling her legs.

Vaggie crossed her arms and frowned at the question before answering the small cyclops, looking downcast. "Niffty, I don't have-"

"Did ya ever think maybe she's sensitive about her lack of wings?" Angel interrupted, then smirked afterwards. "Just like her lack of...feminine assets?" He quickly added, pointing at his own chest fluff to further emphasize his words. In response, Vaggie's face dropped, looking as though she wanted to deliver a good punch to Angel's face right at that moment.

Niffty tugged at Vaggie's shirt. "Yeah. Where are they anyway?" She asked again, trying to get a glimpse of her chest before getting picked up and dropped to the ground.

"Any other questions?" Vaggie sighed, turning to the rest of the group while resting both her hands on her hips.

"I got one." Husk replied, raising up his bottle of booze before dropping his arm down once more. "How come everytime Charlie talks to Heaven, we get into deeper and deeper trouble?"

Vaggie's frown deepened as she answered the old feline's question. "It's not her fault. Angels, especially the ones in higher ranks, are just hard to persuade, and they're..."

"Liars?" Angel said.

"...Difficult." Vaggie finished before continuing to defend Charlie. "But Charlie is doing her best. You've all seen how hard she works for us to succeed."

Husk rolled his eyes out of doubt. "Yeah, her best is turning out real well so far. And we're succeeding alright." He said before leaving the lounge, his voice so full of sarcasm that it could fill an entire canyon.

"And where is Miss "Fearless Leader" anyway? Isn't it about time for another one of her doomed-to-fail plans?" Angel gestured dramatically, looking around before crossing his arms and slouching back on the couch. Meanwhile, Sir Pentious' attention was all on Keekee, who decided to snooze on his lap and earn his affection.

Vaggie turned away from the remaining group of sinners and hugged herself, trying to find some sort of comfort. "She's upstairs, coming up with something, I'm sure. In our room. Alone." She murmured, piquing Alastor and Aria's attention.

"Hmm." Alastor hummed, sharing a mischievous glance with Aria before vanishing into a shadow. The lioness demon followed suit, grinning and going upstairs by paw to enter Charlie's room and pay her a visit.

Once the two demons have invited themselves to greet a sobbing, messy Princess of Hell, Alastor was the first to speak up. "Oh, Charlie. You look like an absolute mess!" He pouted, earning a deep scowl from her. Razzle and Dazzle, who were bringing their princess tissues, flew backwards to let Alastor approach her.

"Ugh, go away, Alastor!" Charlie groaned, burying herself into the comforters of her bed. Her hair was tousled, and tear stains were everywhere on her rosy cheeks. It was obvious that the poor girl had been crying for hours on end.

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