06: They're only human

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Striding back to the Hotel as if she hadn't just murdered a demon in plain sight, Aria's face plastered with a smile as she walked through the giant doors of the establishment. Her contentment was short lived, however, when the Princess and her girlfriend approached her with concerned scowls on both their faces.

"Aria," Vaggie breathed out, stopping right in front of the young demoness with the expression of a disappointed mother. "What the fuck were you doing, walking outside at these hours?? Don't you know how dangerous it is out there?"

Rolling her eyes, Aria crossed her arms as her tail swished around in annoyance. "I was going on a morning stroll, Vaggie. Where do you think I was heading to, a strip club with harlots and man-whores plaguing all over the building?"

Huffing, Vaggie put her hands on her hips and was ready to give Aria the harshest scolding of her afterlife before Charlie interrupted with a nervous smile.

"Look, Aria. We're just worried for you, and we don't want you to get hurt." The royal said, putting her hands on Aria's shoulders. "We care- I care about you."

Seeing that Aria wasn't responding and making eye contact, Charlie cleared her throat and retracted her arms, changing the topic. "How was your walk, by the way? Have you met any interesting demons?"

A smirk found its way to Aria's lips again as her ears perked up. Nodding and chuckling, a pinch of deviousness crept in her tone. "Oh, I have." She replied.

"That very interesting demon was trying to ravage a young imp, a wretch he was. So I got rid of him and dealt with the situation with my own hands. Isn't that marvelous!" The lioness laughed, spreading her arms as if she were telling a fable for children.

"Wait, I'm sorry but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?!?" Vaggie screamed, the pale, greyish skin of her face turning red from agitation. "Are you saying you MURDERED someone?? What's gotten into you, Aria?! This is going to ruin the credibility of the Hotel- AGAIN!!!"

Being yelled at in this manner certainly wasn't helping Aria to simmer her temper, much less make her happier. "I did what I had to do! Wouldn't YOU do the same if someone laid a finger on the Princess?? You hypocrite!" She accused. Her tail swished around angrily.

"Girls, calm down!! Please, don't argue-" Charlie begged helplessly, watching her girlfriend and the lioness demon scream at each other. The fight got so loud that the entire staff of the Hotel came to see the little show of anger.



Husker stared at the two demonesses screeching like howling cats, his jaw dropped and his claws still holding a bottle of half-finished booze. Angel looked concerned but really didn't know what to do as the argument progressed. Niffty stood at the corner with an almost demented smile, her single eye hollow. Alastor watched silently, his expression unreadable. And Charlie looked like she was about to cry.

As the fighting got to its peak, Aria had no more patience to spare and let out a deafening roar, silencing Vaggie's relentless scolding. The lioness looked as if she were about to explode, her irises and sclera threatening to drown in an ocean of ruby red.

"You don't know what kind of shit I had to go through to become like this." She snarled, harshly tapping Vaggie's chest with a finger. She took a few steps forward, forcing the moth demoness to move backwards with a scowl.

"And you, Vaggie, CERTAINLY don't have a fucking clue about how it feels like to be forced to kill for a simple meal for the evening, or just to live and see another day. YOU get privileged to date a royal, have a high-paying job and live an easy life, while folks like ME have to live in the dust, fighting our asses off just to survive!" Aria continued, her voice cracking as she finally ended her rant, leaving the entire building in such a tensed silence that no one felt comfortable. Not even Alastor, but it hardly showed.

Daughter of the Radio Demon: The Lilting Huntress (Father Figure! Alastor × OC)Where stories live. Discover now