11.5: Dad beat Dad Pt.2

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"Didn't you just hear me?" Mimzy pouted. Her neon pink irises scanned around the Hotel and its residents with a whiff of haughtiness, which was not as subtle as she thought. Aria noticed it almost immediately, and it merely made her eyes narrow even more with suspicion.

Mimzy then looked around again and furrowed her brows at the confused expressions on most of the crew's faces. "Why is everybody gawking?" She asked, before grinning and striking a pose. "Is it cuz I'm adorable?"

Alastor looked almost overjoyed in seeing Mimzy, which made Aria's eyes almost pop out of their sockets in shock. "Mimzy!" The deer demon greeted, opening his arms for a hug as he approached her.

"Alastor! Sweetie, dollface, so good to see you again! How've you been? Good? Good." Mimzy shimmied a little before giving Alastor an extremely tight hug as if they were old friends. "Mmmm!!"

Aria was stunned at how calm Alastor was being. Did he not notice how flirty Mimzy was acting with her tone and mannerisms? I mean, I know he is asexual, but how is he THIS oblivious?! She thought to herself. But even so, Aria chose to not interfere. Maybe she was overthinking things. Like she always did...

"Listen, I was in the neighborhood. I heard you were staying at this ritzy slob factory, and I figured I'd stop by and say hi, for old time's sake!" Mimzy continued to sway her hips, seemingly to charm Alastor. Her passive-aggressive tone in talking about the Hotel made Aria feel even more unsure of her motives in barging here without notice.

Alastor's grin was quite friendly towards Mimzy, Aria noticed. "Of course, sweetheart!" He said. "Everyone is welcome here."

"Oh, how nice!" Charlie beamed, approaching the two sinners with a warm expression. "So you two know each other?"

Mimzy nodded with a slight chuckle. "Oh yeah, we go way back." She said, putting her arm over Alastor's shoulders briefly, causing the tall demon to lean down before she let him go. "Ran in the same circles when we were alive. You know, this one used to frequent the club where I used to perform. He's the only one I knew who could pound whiskey like a sailor then keep up with me on the dance floor!" She bragged.

A little inner conflict was going on in Aria's head. A part of her wanted to accept Mimzy, since she was a very old friend of Alastor's. If they had known each other since they were alive, then their friendship would approximately be almost 80 years old. At the same time, though, the way Mimzy acted was making it hard for Aria to trust her. It was almost as if she was hiding something underneath a very well-played facade of wanting to meet up with Alastor.

As his ward, Aria couldn't help but feel...jealous? Protective? She didn't know. But what was clear was that she didn't want any harm to be bestowed on the only one she trusted her entire afterlife with.

"Oh, quite a talent, this gal. Ho ho!" Alastor hooted with laughter as a nostalgic feeling rose in his chest. "You should've seen her in her hayday!"

"Hey! Watch it, tall, dark and creepy. I'm still in my prime." Mimzy huffed, before the sight of Lucifer out in the open caught her gaze. "Oh, oh my stars! Is that Lucifer?"

In an instant, she harshly pushed Sir Pentious out of her way to greet the King of Hell. "Move it! Pleased to meet ya, your Highness." She flirted, before whispering to a somewhat annoyed Alastor. "Alastor, you gotta warn a girl when she's in mixed company."

Lucifer tried not to cringe at Mimzy's attitude and forced a smile. "Charmed, I'm sure." He muttered. Aria sighed in relief that there was at least one thing she could agree on with the King.

"As much as I'd love to catch up, Charlie and I have a tour to continue." Alastor then said, eyeing Lucifer with a hostile stare.

Lucifer then took his daughter by her arms and dragged her up front."I'm sure Charlie can handle showing me around. Alone-"

Daughter of the Radio Demon: The Lilting Huntress (Father Figure! Alastor × OC)Where stories live. Discover now