Circus of Hell

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As Charles, Bon, and Alice step into LuLu World, the atmosphere crackles with excitement, enveloping them in a whirlwind of sensations.

Alice's eyes widen in wonder, her voice filled with awe.

Alice: "This place is incredible. It's like stepping into..."

But before she can finish, Charles interjects, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

Charles: "Home."

Alice nods, a smile playing on her lips as memories flood her mind.

Alice: "Exactly..."

They stand together, the kaleidoscope of lights dancing across their faces, painting the night sky with bursts of color. The air is alive with the tantalizing scent of sugary treats, and the distant echoes of laughter and amusement rides fuel their excitement, stirring long-forgotten memories.

But their reverie is interrupted when Bon notices a kid walking by, clutching a pack of peanuts. In a swift motion, he snatches them away, his laughter echoing through the air. The child's cries pierce the night as Bon greedily devours the stolen snack.

The child's anguished cries pierce through the vibrant chaos of LuLu World.

Kid: "Mom! Mammon stole my peanuts!"

Bon scoffs indignantly, frustration etched on his face.

Bon: "I'm not Mammon, you foolish child! Why does everyone mistake me for him?"

Alice chuckles softly, her tone teasing.

Alice: "Maybe because you bear a striking resemblance."

Bon grumbles in response, his annoyance palpable.

Bon: "Why did I have to be reborn like this?"

Charles's commanding voice cuts through the commotion, refocusing their attention on the task at hand.

Charles: "Enough distractions. Remember our purpose here."

With renewed determination, Alice and Bon snap into action, their senses heightened and their resolve firm. Bon swiftly scales the nearest building, scanning the bustling crowds for Y/N's whereabouts, while Alice disappears into the labyrinth of back alleys, a mysterious duffel bag slung over her shoulder.

As Charles indulges in the sweetness of cotton candy, trying to blend in with the crowd, his moment of enjoyment is interrupted by Bon's voice crackling through his earpiece.

Bon: "Boss, I found our target. He's on the Ferris Wheel east of you."

Charles's lips curl into a smirk as he listens to Bon's update.

Charles: "Ferris Wheel, huh? How fitting. Alice, did you catch that?"

Alice's voice comes through the earpiece, filled with determination.

Alice: "Yeah, I'm heading there now."

Charles nods, his mind already formulating the next steps.

Charles: "Alright, Bon, you know what to do."

Bon's mischievous chuckle rings out, teasing Charles about his cotton candy indulgence.

Bon: "You got it, Boss! By the way, I saw you enjoying that cotton candy. Why didn't you get me some?"

Charles sighs, the corner of his lips twitching with amusement.

Charles: "You're incorrigible, Bon."

Bon's laughter echoes through the earpiece, a jovial sound against the backdrop of their mission.

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