One Hell of a Team

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In the center of a vast circular chamber hangs an ancient, weathered coffin with a symbol resembling a reaper, suspended by luminous chains and surrounded by tubs pumping a mysterious purple liquid. At the foot of a long staircase, a nervous Charlie hesitates, her voice trembling as she speaks.

Charlie: "Um... My name is Charlie, and... I guess you could say I'm the princess of hell."

A feeble voice emanates from the coffin.

Reaper: "Is that so?"

Charlie clears her throat, trying to steady herself.

Charlie: "Yes, indeed. And I've come to offer you an extraordinary opportunity."

Reaper: "And what might that be?"

Charlie: "I understand you're a fallen angel. How would you like a chance to return to heaven?"

The Reaper lets out a raspy laugh.

Reaper: "And how exactly do you propose to do that?"

Charlie: "It's simple. I'll redeem you."

Reaper: "Redeem?"

Charlie: "Yes. I manage a hotel called the Happy Hotel, where sinners can rehabilitate and earn their place in heaven."

Charlie smiles as she ascends the stairs, but her confidence falters when the Reaper scoffs.

Reaper: "Redeeming sinners? That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Everyone knows sinners can't be redeemed."

Charlie's face flushes with indignation.

Charlie: "That's not true!"

Reaper: "Is it not? Do you have any proof?"

Charlie hesitates, then takes a deep breath to compose herself.

Charlie: "I'll have you know, I've redeemed plenty of sinners!"

She waits anxiously for the Reaper's response. To her surprise, he seems intrigued.

Reaper: "You... have?"

Charlie: "Yes..." (I'm sorry for lying, but I have to. I need him to join if I have any chance of saving my people.)

Reaper: "Interesting, very interesting."

An awkward silence fills the chamber.

Reaper: "Very well, I'll entertain your proposition."

Charlie: "Really? That's fantastic! But before I can free you, we need to establish a contract. In exchange for your freedom and rehabilitation, you'll need to assist with the hotel and abide by certain rules..."

Reaper: "No deal."

Charlie: "Excuse me?"

Reaper: "I don't make deals with devils. Why can't you just set me free and trust that I'll keep my word?"

Charlie: "Well, I don't know you, not to mention your past. I just want to ensure you'll uphold your end of the bargain, which is why I insist on a contract."

Reaper: "Trust me, I will. I'm an angel, after all."

Charlie: "Fallen angel, to be precise."

Reaper: "Then no deal. I refuse to be enslaved by a devil."

Charlie: "You wouldn't be a slave; it would be more of a partnership."

Fallen Love Hazbin Hotel Charlie x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now