One Hell of a day at... LooLoo Land???

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As Charlie clung desperately to Y/N amidst the chaos of the collapsing Ferris wheel, she felt her grip slipping. Panic surged through her veins, her heart pounding so loudly she could barely hear anything else. The structure groaned and creaked, threatening to give way entirely.

Charlie's eyes locked onto his, a mixture of fear and determination swirling within them. In that fleeting moment, with the world crumbling around them, she found the courage to bare her soul.

Charlie: "Y/N! I love you!"

She gasped, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of destruction. Her words hung in the air, heavy with emotion. Y/N's heart skipped a beat, tears welling in her eyes. Despite the imminent danger, he felt a surge of warmth and affection wash over him. Amid such chaos, he found solace in Charlie's declaration of love.

Y/N: "Charlie! I love you

Charlie: "You do?!"

Y/N: "But not in the way you want me to!"

As fireworks exploded in the background, mingling with the chaos of the crumbling Ferris wheel, Y/N's grasp slipped, and Charlie fell. He watched in horror, thinking this was the end, fearing he would never see her again. But then, amidst the chaos, a shooting star streaked down from the heavens, catching Charlie before she hit the ground.

The radiant star revealed itself to be Adam as he held Charlie in his arms. In a snarky tone, he greeted Y/N.

Adam: "Hey there, brother. Long time, no talk."

Y/N's anger flared as he looked at Adam, bewildered and furious.

Y/N: "What do you want?"

Adam:  "Sera wants to talk to you."

Before Y/N could respond, more angels descended from the sky, surrounding them to deal with the situation. Adam gently set Charlie down. As Adam snapped his fingers, a brilliant ray of light enveloped all three of them, transporting them into heaven. As they arrived, they found themselves standing in front of a jury filled with Seraphim, and above them all stood Sera, looking down on both Y/N and Charlie with a stern expression. Adam stepped away, his laughter echoing in the celestial chamber.

Adam:  "You're in trouble."

He taunted before addressing Sera.

Adam:  "Got them for you, babe."

Sera's response was one of disgust, a simple but cold

Sera: "Thank you."

Confusion and concern etched across Y/N's face as he dared to ask why they were here. But before he could finish his question, Sera silenced him with a wave of her hand.

Sera: "You are here because you have committed crimes against God."

The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, sending a shiver down Y/N's spine. He exchanged a worried glance with Charlie, realizing that they were now facing divine judgment for their actions. As Sera began to address the crime of love between an Angel and a Demon, Y/N interrupted, denying any such love. Charlie's heart sank at his words, her hopes dashed in an instant.

Charlie:  "Well, this day just keeps getting better and better."

She muttered, her voice heavy with disappointment. Before anyone could say anything else, the main entrance of the courtroom was slammed open, revealing Gabriel, an Archangel of immense power and presence. All the Seraphim fell into awe as he strode into the room combing his hair back, his confident demeanor captivating even Sera.

Gabriel: "Sera,"

Gabriel acknowledged with a nod, a faint smile playing on his lips. Sera's attempt to speak faltered, her voice cracking as she composed herself enough to ask why he was there.

Fallen Love Hazbin Hotel Charlie x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now