Chapter 21

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TW: Torture


♡♡*steals tailbone*♡♡

Nightmare stumbles into the house, feeling weak. He had just come home from a battle with Dream, which had used up most of his negativity, and he needed more. He wasn't expecting Dream to go all out during their battle, he usually held back somewhat. But whatever it was-probably because he had taken Ink-made him stop pulling his punches. Nightmare would've been fine if he expected it, but it had drained most of his negativity reserves.

He climbed the many stairs to his bedroom, ignoring any questions or comments his gang had for him. He was too tired to address them at that moment. He slammed the door to his bedroom open and threw himself onto the bed. Nightmare was so exhausted, and he wanted to sleep a little before he went out to aus to collect negativity. He groaned when he heard a small hum coming from the blanket fort on the floor. Nightmare looked over to the aforementioned fort, seeing a shaking Ink peeking his head out and looking at him.

"Are you alright...?" Ink asked quietly as he crawled out of the fort.

"Yes. I am fine." Nightmare said, gritting his teeth as he sat against the bed.

He sighed and patted the bed next to him, watching as Ink excitedly lit up and climbed into the bed in the space next to him. Ink carefully leaned over and pressed his head against Nightmare's shoulder.

"Are you sure? You seem angry or something." Ink asked again.

"I had a run in with Dream, I'm tired. Nothing more." Nightmare explained.

"Oh... I'm sorry, do you want sleep?" Ink asked.

"I need rest before I go out to find a good au to replenish my negativity."

"You... you don't need to go out to get negativity." Ink said, sitting up and hesitantly climbing into Nightmare's lap.

"What do you mean?" Nightmare asked.

"You could... you could use me? F-for negativity." Ink suggested sheepishly.

"I was trying not to bring the idea up. I'm surprised you suggested it. What, do you miss me hurting you?" Nightmare said with a slightly teasing tone.

"No, not really. But if you need it then... whatever you do will heal, right?" Ink asked.

"I suppose."

Nightmare grabbed Ink and pressed him into the bed next to where they sat. He leaned over Ink and pulled his shirt off, discarding it on the floor next to the bed. Nightmare looked over his tattooed and scarred bare bones with the same tired and displeased look he always had.

Nightmare ran his hands over Ink's ribs until it fell onto one of his lower ones. He wrapped his hand around the rib tightly, making Ink let out a small noise. Even if he didn't do anything further to him, even how tightly he was grabbing his rib would have left marks. But Ink wouldn't have to worry about bruises on that rib as Nightmare broke it off him with a sickening crack.

Ink screamed, and screamed loud, neither of them would be surprised if the entire castle heard it. Nightmare half expected to see Cross busting down his door to save Ink from him. Though it never happened, Cross and everyone else in that castle knew that if they interrupted Nightmare's 'private time' they would be met by bruises and broken bones.

The rib he had just broken off dusted in his hand as if it was never anything solid. Nightmare wiped the dust off on his pants, he wasn't a fan of the chalky texture on his hands. He turned his attention back to Ink and taking care of him as he screamed and cried from the pain.

Nightmare shushed Ink and waited for him to calm down before he grabbed another one of his ribs. This time now that Ink knew what was happening he was given a little time to brace himself for the pain that was about to befall him. He let out another scream when Nightmare ripped the next rib off his body. They did the same thing as last time, Nightmare wiping what used to be Ink's rib on his pants, then calming his loud pained noises before moving onto the next rib.

It took Nightmare only four more ripped off ribs before he was feeling energised and back to normal.

Chains of NegativityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora