Chapter 7

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TW: Torture


Nightmare sat on the bed watching Ink writhe on the floor. It was just adorable to watch. The liquid from his vials were all pooled around the small man. He was still naked from the days before. It was pathetic, but Nightmare was feeling a little bad. Ink was there for negativity, but Night had enough for now. He watched for another few minutes before heading to his closest. There were clothes thrown everywhere as he looked for the perfect piece. Ink was too small for any of Night's clothing, but he was sure there was something for Ink.

He chose a coffee coloured sweater, one he hasn't worn in years. It still looked too big for Ink, but it was the smallest-and best option- he had.


Ink tiredly looked up from the floor, only to have the sweater hit him in the face. He cried out and threw the sweater off him. An action Nightmare did not appreciate. He knelt down towards Ink, picking his head off the ground.

"Put. It. On," He growled, angry at the pure disrespect coming from Ink.

Ink, not having any energy, laid back down. It scared him, thinking about what Nightmare was going to do to him, but he just didn't have the energy to stop to do a thing. Nightmare threw him against a wall, having enough of it. He didn't tolerate disrespect well. Nightmare seemed to walk away, leaving Ink to sigh with relief. He was hoping he would be left alone for now. But of course not. Three items were put in front of Ink.


In front of him were three terrifying weapons. A whip, pliers and a saw.

"No," Ink cried, falling back on the floor.

Nightmare picked up his head, only to get bitten hard. Inks first act of rebellion. He jumped back and examined his hand, a trickle of blood fell to the floor.

"Thank you for making this easy for me."

He picked Inks head up, grabbing the pliers. Ink tried to get away, but tentacles came down and pinned him to the floor. The pliers clanked them against each of Ink's teeth as Nightmare toyed with him.

"Which one. . .Which one?" He teased before opening the pliers and selecting a back tooth. Ink felt the tooth slowly being ripping from his jaw. The nerves could be felt getting torn from his gums, each plucking out of the socket. He screamed, but it only gave Nightmare more of an opening. Blood splattered all over Inks face as the tooth was finally out of his mouth after a sickening break.

"Now, what did we learn?" He asked, using the pliers to lift Inks head.

"Don't bite," He blubbered as he choked on the blood in his mouth.

Nightmare twirled the pliers around in his hands before he turned Ink over onto his stomach. He traced Ink's tattoos down to his feet. Without a word he began to rip Ink's toes off, one at a time. Each knuckle was ripped off one by one-slowly-causing blood and marrow to spill everywhere. Nightmare ignored Ink's screams and desperate attempts to get away. All he did was tighten his grip on Ink's limbs to the point that he was almost breaking them. The contents of Ink's stomach turned as it all came up, spilling onto the hardwood floor. This was ignored by his captor, he could care less.

Once all of Inks toe bones were in a pile beside him, Nightmare had to take a moment to figure out what was next. He had taken teeth, toes and beaten the shit out of Ink, but what was the next step? Should he take Inks' legs? Fingers? Ribs?

Then he got it. He stood up and dragged Ink into the bathroom by his ankle. It was clear Nightmare had no care for the skeleton. Why would he? Ink was only there for Nightmares pleasure, he was there to enact whatever karmic justice he deserved. But he was there for revenge, above all else. There was no need for care.

"Okay, I'll wash all that blood and vomit off of you," Nightmare said softly. But there was something sinister behind it. It was odd, but a welcome change.

Nightmare began running the faucet, but didn't plug the tub, so it didn't full up. Ink decided to not question it. Afterall, some people here were being nice to him. Maybe Nightmare was coming around after everything.

Ink was grabbed and put in the bath. He was still naked, so there wasn't any issue with his clothing. Ink began to relax, until a towel was put over his face and his head was forced under the tap. He didn't have lungs, but it hurt. The water was getting into his system, through his nose and mouth. It burned.

Nightmare kept his head under there for a good few minutes, ignoring Ink clawing at his tentacles and kicking his toeless feet. He felt nothing but panic and pain. Nightmare casually checked his watch, making sure he wasn't under there too long. After his struggling slowly died down Ink went limp, unable to move or fight any longer. Being satisfied, Nightmare pulled the terrorised skeleton up from the water. The faucet slammed off and Ink got pulled out of the bath. His body was dropped onto the floor, cracking his head on the floor. Everything went blurry, his eyes were filled with water, but he didn't even have energy to scream. Ink kept coughing even after all the water was out of his system. He whimpered and curled into a ball, hoping it was all over.

Nightmare smiled and walked out of the room. The door slamming behind him. He was done for now.

Ink woke up to someone dressing him. The warm fabric slipped over Ink's arms and torso. But he didn't have the energy to scream or scramble away this time. All he had the energy to do was rest his head in the monochrome coloured chest. It was obviously Cross, no one else dressed like that.

"Hey buddy," Cross sighed, rubbing Inks back. "Go back to sleep."

Ink took the welcome opportunity and closed his eyes.

"Stay?" Ink croaked out his throat still in pain from his earlier torture.

Cross didn't respond, but kept soothing Ink to sleep. It was obvious Cross wasn't allowed to. Was he even allowed to be there now? Ink couldn't ask, out of fear of being hurt by Cross. He wished Nightmare hadn't figured out his vials. There could be pure emotionless peace where the pain was.

Ink soon fell asleep in Cross's arms. All Cross was able to do was leave Ink on the floor and leave. There was a strict rule about touching Nightmare's things, so he wasn't able to place Ink on a bed or anywhere more comfortable. He felt bad for Ink. He wished they had picked someone else, but there was no changing Nightmare's mind now. Night was too happy with his new puppet.

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