Chapter 5

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TW: Dream being a lil shit >:(


Dream and Swap came back home, hours after Ink had been taken. Dream had calmed down enough to not scream at Ink the second he saw him, and he expected an apology. That was always how it worked during their many fights, Ink would crack and apologise the minute the two came home, desperate to keep the peace. Or keep his only friends. He just wanted to be happy and feel cared for by his friends so he would do anything for their forgiveness.

They sat at the kitchen table, Swap planning dinner and Dream waiting for Ink to come and grovel. Though after mere minutes of Ink not coming downstairs Dream got suspicious. He called out his friend's name, thinking maybe that he didn't hear them come in. He wanted to watch Ink throw himself on the floor and beg for forgiveness. But he never came. Dream quickly got tired of waiting and marched himself up to Inks room and banged on the door. Maybe the lazybones was asleep. It wouldn't be the first time he has sobbed himself to sleep in hysterics, after all.

After no one came to the door, Dream decided to fling it open. The fumes of paint was the first thing that hit him after opening the door. But worry set in when no one was in the room. Ink was nowhere to be found. He began to look everywhere. Under the bed, in the closet, in the bathroom, but still no Ink. Anywhere Ink could possibly be, he checked, but still. No Ink. He called Swap in a panic.

They quickly swept the rest of the house, looking in every ridiculous spot for Ink. He had nowhere else to go, no one in the multiverse would accept him in their house after the lies Dream had spread. There was nowhere to go, so he needed to be in the house. But he wasn't. So where did he go?

"Where could he have gone?" Swap asked, genuinely worried for his friend.

"I don't know," Dream said through gritted teeth. He was angry. Their golden weapon was gone.

"We will send out a multiverse-wide search for Ink. Tell them he went crazy or violent so they actually look for him," Dream concluded.

Swap nodded his head, anything he could do to get his friend back he would. Even if that meant lying about him.

Hours went by and only one answer was clear. They'd convinced many people to look all over the multiverse, but there was only one sighting. Nightmares castle. They had seen Ink from a window, possibly from Nightmare's bedroom. There was only a glimpse, so they weren't too sure it was Ink. But after looking across the multiverse with no other sightings, they decided it had to be.

It may be impossible to get him back, was the problem. But if Ink kept Nightmare busy, there was no real reason to bring Ink back. He was only really good for battles, and if those came to a halt, then so be it.

It wasn't going to stop them from trying to get Ink back. He was the most powerful of the star sanses afterall. Without him, what could they really do? But honestly, they weren't really planning on trying too hard. They wouldn't let anyone die over it. They didn't think it was worth it. They needed their weapon back. But not badly enough that they'd die over it, or sentence anyone else to that fate. They would make do without him.

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