~~~ {36} ~~~

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Grizzy and Puffer apparently both wanted to go shopping, as one does, but John really couldn't care if he went with them. Back a few years ago, maybe he would've, but now? Not really.

who even goes shopping this late?

John stuck with swiping whatever he wanted off shelves, or displays. He was good at it, and only Smit noticed. Bad habits can't be broken that easily.

Instead, he and Smit walked on the sidewalk around the city, watching everyone pass by, doing whatever someone does at this time. John liked going for walks at night, and since it got dark early in the winter, it was already pitch black out by 6:00PM.

For Smit though, he seemed far less interested in the sparkling, star dotted sky, and more so on the ring John had passed him. He examined it, turning it about in his hand. When John first handed him it, he smiled like a kid being given the toy they always wanted. But, he wasn't being given a toy, he was being given a show of Johns affection.

John inspected the watch he'd snagged off of a display hours before, and avoided being caught doing so. It was silver, and had apparently real diamonds in it, but he didn't believe it. It would cost lots regardless, and he didn't even bother to look at the price.

"Those two are going to hurt themselves with what they're doing." Smit mumbled.

"What, Smit?" John glanced over, Smit's once happy, and concentrated expression now distant.

"Puffer and Grizzy, they're going to hurt themselves, maybe not physically, but in some way." Smit uttered under his breath, meaning for John to hear it, but not sure if he wanted to say it.

John knew what this meant. Smit was probably right, but he didn't want to say his guess out loud in case it came true, which it usually did.

Regardless, John still tried to be sensical.

"You don't know that, they seem to get along just fine, even if that changes, can't they just adapt?" John tried to lift Smit's shifty mood.

"I guess.." He mumbled.

Smit stopped briefly, and faced down an alley.

"Did you hear that?" He asked, quizzed, and concerned.

"What?" John wouldn't be surprised if Smit was schizophrenic too.

"I swear I heard something.. not just like a bump, a.. scream? No-" Smit looked slightly panicked, an odd behaviour for him.

"Smit, do you want to go back?" John squeezed Smit's shoulder as he looked at the other, Smit wasn't shaking, he was deathly still, an instinct trained into his brain.

And just like that, his panic washed away, covered by that overwhelming calm, and adrenaline.

"No John, I heard that, I'm not imagining it." With that he walked down the alley, peeking around every corner before turning it, also a force of habit, John guessed.

Thats when John heard it too, a scuffle, a muffled scream, he could barely hear it, but could still make it out. Then he heard it again, right in front of them, and clearly Smit found the source far faster than him.

"What the fuck?!" Smit yelped, but John could still barely make out what the fuck was going on, it was too dark, and too closed in.

"What-?" A different, distinctly male voice spoke out.

"Get the fuck off her, what are you doing?" Smit gasped, by this point John ran into Smit and turned to fully see the scene before them. Smit always had to lead them to trouble, huh?

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now