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Smii7y, being as insistent as John grew to realize he is, decided he was going to take John on a tour of Chicago as they kept up their conversations. John was worried they were going to get shot at, but Smii7y laughed his worries away.

They were in a nice part of the city with lots of rich families and couples, when a young woman came running out of her house. Smit was thoroughly distracted by talking to John. She was waving her slipper at him on the rode, in the middle of his lane. When Smit simply went around her, he made sure he revved his bike a lot as he drove off. He was laughing like a madman, and it was rubbing off on John.

"People are so-.." Smii7y interrupted himself by wheezing. "Fucking stupid!"

"You almost hit that lady!" John was laughing too.

"Justifiable Homicide." Smii7y said simply, still laughing.

John couldn't with this man, he always seemed to have something to say, and never really stopped talking, but it was comfortable conversation. Smit could talk about everything and anything with such ease and confidence, that even if he was lying you'd never guess it.

Soon they went back into conversation, and Smit decided to talk about how he didn't like loud cars, but how it was very hypocritical of him because he liked loud bikes.

John noticed that today, people seemed to be driving quite insanely, even though he and Smit were speeding. It was getting dark out, and some guy in a truck, obviously an older guy, had a bad case of road rage it seemed. 

At first, it started mild. The man got out of his truck at a red light, and yelled at them about random shit they weren't even doing. Smit told him to go fuck himself, and continued on with their tour. They were almost done, and John was getting tired.

But the man had returned.

Like most idiots.

This time, he tried to run them off the road, but was too scared to scratch his truck, and chickened out. Smit acted like this happened everyday, and It probably does. John had some stuff to get used to.

The next time he actually tried to run them off the road, and Smit, who John never thought was a hothead, was actually angry, because his baby, had earned its first, small, but noticeable scratch. And because he was certainly fed up with this assholes behaviour.

Actually he wasn't angry, he was fuming.

"Give that Fatass a good old mirror slap." Smit said quite calmly despite his mood.

John had also had enough, and nodded. He grabbed onto Smii7y for support with one hand, reached over, and hit the assholes mirror with all his might, then he simply sat back down.

The mirror flew up into the air, and landed on the other side of them, as Smii7y let his bike use her horsepower, and sped off down the road. 

John had never had a better day in his life. Despite the fact they got into trouble twice, Smii7y made his sudden moving the best decision he had ever made.

When he and Smit got back to the parking lot, they found both the 400 and Johns 636 perfectly fine. John was actually quite surprised the 400 remained where it did, and was thankful.

John thanked Smit and went to walk away, but Smit grabbed him by the collar, and quickly bonked their foreheads, then handed him a 100 dollar bill. 

"I don't need money, Smit." John was lying, but didn't want Smit to worry. They had talked about this before through texts actually, but details weren't needed.

"Nah, keep it Johnny, I have too much anyway."

"Why the fuck did you do.. Whatever that was?" John asked Confused, but touched by the sudden gesture. He didn't know what it meant yet, so he wasn't going to take it to heart.

"It was a goodbye." Smii7y said like a Smartass.

"That actually makes sense." Somehow, John was sad, and wished it meant more. But he cursed himself for thinking so foolishly.

Smii7y simply nodded and quietly left the lot, and John. As soon as he watched Smit leave, he felt lonely, and wanted his company again.

"Yo, this yours?"

John turned towards the much deeper voice. It was a stark contrast from Smii7y's.

A tall man stood over his bike, and was seemingly inspecting it. He was already wearing his helmet, so John couldn't see any other feature of him, besides his height, weight, and the clothes he wore. And he was wearing almost all black. But his helmet was a stark lime green, that matched his 400. The bike was also green and black.

"Yessir." John said as he walked over to his bike.

"I noticed you parked it here. Hanging with Smit? He's a good guy." This must be Tyler right?

"Yeah, Smit knows pretty much every bike in Chicago, and told me that 400 is yours-." John was cut off when Tyler stood in front of him with his hand out. "Tyler." He said, and John took his hand and shook it.

"I like your paint job, you should do my bike someday." Tyler said kindly

"How'd you know it was hand painted?" John knew it was quite obvious.

"Never seen anything like it, and you can't wrap anything like that." Tyler said slowly.

John walked up to his bike and turned her on, before turning to Tyler.

"What were you doing? I left my bike quite awhile ago." John knew it was none of his business, but he wanted to ask.

"I was at a bar, but I didn't drink anything. When I saw you park, I decided to just hang around and watch the bikes."

"Well thank-you! Smit did say my bike was probably safe with yours." John was genuinely thankful, if his bike was stolen, he would have lost the last, and only thing he loved.

Tyler simply nodded. "Figured if Smit was with you, he'd want protection. As said, he's a good guy."

"I'll take your word for it." John chuckled

Tyler let out a genuine laugh. "I gotta scram though, so I hope your staying with your bike for the rest of the night."

"I'm gonna get out of here too, so don't worry man." John said.

Tyler nodded, and John was sure that if he could see his face, he'd be smiling. He then turned around and walked over to his bike, turned it on, hopped on, and took off to wherever he may be going.

John sighed. If he kept meeting people like this, he might feel bad for his actions.

He might start to enjoy life.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now