~~~ { 2 } ~~~

137 8 3

John jumped at the voice, he had seen no one approach him. Perhaps he was too awestruck to notice?

He turned towards the voice behind him to see a guy with a pearly white helmet, and the same gems on the side in a 7. What was with the 7? Not only did he have a good helmet, but it had LEDs in the visor which were showing 'Welcome to Chicago'.

How did he see?

Can he see?

Now he was sure he's over thinking.

His helmet wasn't the only glamorous thing about him. His sweater, which was also white, with gems down the sleeve, and the Vans he was wearing had gems laced in them too. The only thing that was plain were his jeans, they were black. And hugged him in all the right spots.

John cursed himself for thinking such things about a stranger

"Earth to stranger." The guy said

"I like your helmet by the way."

"Am I that good looking?"


"Sorry I kinda zoned out." John finally said "Can you see?" He blurted without thinking. The stranger only laughed at this "Of course I can see, I noticed you staring. Do you think I would ride a bike if I couldn't see?" He seemed very playful, but upfront with his response. John was suddenly hit with the strangers height. At least an inch shorter than him, and quite a few pounds lighter. That was a little concerning. John himself was a little underweight.

"You new to the stunt scene in Chicago? Haven't seen your ride before."

Oh right.. stunters... John looked like a stunter

"Oh I don't stunt anymore.."

"I'm sure this scene will get you back into it." He said hopefully. Chicago probably had a better scene than the small town he thieved. Maybe it was time he gets back into it.

"How did you do that-.." John said pointing towards the gems on his helmet. His hands flew to his helmet. "OH! Yeah it wasn't easy, they are not only screwed in, but also held in with a strong adhesive. I spent a lot of money on it all.. say do you know who I might be?" John had no guesses, he never kept up with anything anymore, he just wanted a new home, new life.

"Nah, Don't keep up with anything anymore."

"That's just sad." The stranger said, he still hadn't said his name. This stranger also seemed very animated.

"Well I'm Smitty, that's S-M-I-I-7-Y, Don't forget it."

"Uh what kind of name is that."

"That kind of name is my name. Search it up."

John obediently pulled out his phone and typed his name as he spelt it. Immediately he was brought pictures of the exact same bike he was looking at, with the exact same owner, doing the most batshit crazy stunts he has ever seen. The awards he holds is three pages long. 'Did... did I just meet a celebrity?... at a gas station..' John now wonders how he got here.

"Say, can I see your phone for a second?"

John was speechless, drained, and hasn't touched caffeine but desperately needs it. In other words he handed him his phone without a word, hoping he wouldn't regret it later. After a few minutes, he handed his phone back with a new contact. 'Holy shit, no way.' John thought he was going crazy.. maybe he was.

"Maybe I could take you for a ride someday. Depends if I have shows that day, so don't get pumped over it babes." Smii7y turned to walk away but stopped. "Say, I didn't get your name." He turned to face John again.

'Don't tell him your actual name John, your Kryoz, remember.' 

"Kryoz... But you can call me John."

'NOO.... SHIT'

Now John was going to rip out his own hair. Why would he say that? He really hopes this won't get him into more trouble than he already is in.

"Well, nice to meet you John." Smii7y's voice was an octave lower as he said this, in almost a flirty tone. John has never questioned his sexuality. He always believed he was straight, and had a girlfriend, but hearing this udder strangers voice in such a way, changed him.

Well he wasn't much of a stranger anymore.

It seemed he had a dislike of the press, whether it be interviews, newspaper company's, or lavish invitations to other celebrity's TV shows, or podcasts. He always seemed to turn them down, or simply ignore them.

John could find everything about this man in a few articles, or at least he thought he could. Actually, it seemed like very little was known about him despite his popularity. He never showed his face, seemed to have a dislike of people snooping in his business, and never met up, or even seemed to care about his fans.

Smii7y gave him a pat on the shoulder and walked back to his bike. When he turned it on, it roared to life. His bike, although being the same model, had an insane difference in sound. Where Johns bike purred it's sing song like hum in its forever octave, Smii7y's sounded aggressive, louder, and maybe even more violent, but still hummed a sing song tune, just maybe an angry one.

'I wouldn't want my bike that loud.' 

Bikers were known for being loud, Most bikes sounded the same, with small differences. Every bike is usually customized by its owners, to fit, and work for the owner. Whatever they may be doing with it. Unless you had a straight, off the lot bike, with factory mufflers, and factory.. well everything, you were different. Most people don't have bikes that are the same to another. It didn't have to be big differences for you to have a bike that was different. A simple thing could change it.

Unless you don't like being unique.

Then you copy someone else.

Being unique was never something John had to stride for. His helmet, and bike, being hand painted fading blue-purple was never seen anywhere else.

Smii7y was quite unique too.

And not just his bike was unique.

Speaking of the spontaneous encounter.

John jotted his memory for the rules for motorcyclist wear, and Smit might well be breaking all of them. Yes, he was wearing bright colors, and yes he was wearing a helmet, but he was wearing  no other safety equipment.

What is John thinking...

He's breaking all of the rules but one right now.

The list is to long to share.

John knows that most bikers don't follow the rules. I mean, who would? No one wants to follow the rules, rules are boring. Especially rules for motorcyclists.

John watched as Smii7y's gloved hand revved his bike a little, before he used his feet to back up, and turn around so he could escape back onto the freeway.

John didn't notice him wearing gloves before, but they sealed the deal to his outfit

They were fingerless, leather, but white, and had an almost gothic pattern with the gemstones on them.

Now John really needs some coffee.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now