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John stayed in the position for awhile, and it became apparent that Smii7y didn't mind.

Smii7y was surfing through conversations, and occasionally looked toward John while he was rambling. John always reminded him to keep his eyes on the road. 

They were crudely interrupted by another biker at a red light, who filtered to the front and stopped beside them. John moved his head quickly, and Smii7y looked towards the other biker.

"You know that bike?" John asked, knowing the answer. He and Smit played this game a lot. Who's bike, is what John called it.

Smit sighed. "Yeah, that's Puffer-." He was interrupted by the man himself.

"SMIT!" He yelled, suddenly breaking etiquette, and right beside them.

"How the fuck-." Smit reacted, and was immediately cut off again.

"Yo, how you doing?" Puffer asked. "Who's this guy?" Puffer didn't wait for a response.

"This is Kryoz, Puff. He's my new joyride buddy." John was beyond grateful he used his cover name.

"You guys going to the bar?" Puffer's voice was teasing.

"Puff, really?" Smit tilted his head to the left. John loved that movement, and he didn't know why.

"Pft, no fun." Puffer said and revved his bike. He was riding an Aprilia rsv4, full mat black, and he as well was wearing full black, even his helmet. No one would see him at night, that's for sure.

"What you doing today Puff? Gang stuff?" Smii7y asked sarcastically. John hopes he isn't getting themselves into trouble.

"Actually, yeah. Can't tell ya though." Puffer said coolly.

"Yeah of course." It's seemed as if Smit didn't want to talk for once.

When the light turned green, Smit was fast to take off, and go a different route than discussed. Probably to avoid Puffer.

"Don't like him?" John asked.

"It's not that I don't like Puffer, it's just that I don't like his gang involvement." Smii7y said slowly, and quietly. As if someone would hear him.

"I've known him since I was 16, he was a nice guy then. Things change though." Smii7y said this with a genuinely sad tone.

"How many biker friends do you have?" John asked, just wanting to drop the topic, and for Smit to be his usual self again.

"A few. I keep a tight group." Smii7y said quietly.

"Am I part of it?" John asked hopefully.

"Of course you are John!" Smii7y said quickly, and confidently. "Can you do what you were doing before?" He asked, this time quieter.

"What? This?" John placed his head back on Smit's shoulder.

"Yeah." He said softly. Just like that, his mood was dropped, and so was his tuff exterior.

John was more than happy to do his request. He wanted to chase the high he had last time from it. John was seriously starting to consider his sexuality. This man made him feel. It was like a drug, and he wanted more and more, and the more he had it, the more he got addicted.

No girlfriend, or woman, had made him feel this way. He really only dated them because he felt like he had too. Everyone else had a girlfriend, shouldn't he? But he had never really felt for them.

That was when he realized he fell hard and fast.

 For a man. 

The part about himself he had denied over and over again, a part he forced down, and covered up with pretend love, seeped through its broken enclosure, and was now consuming his mind.

He loved Smii7y, and his mind came to a quick verdict. A verdict he wished it hadn't made.

The verdict might leave him an innocent man.

Or send him to death row.

Either way he was sure this wasn't going to end pretty. death row was already at John's doorstep, so why not embrace it with open arms right?

John didn't have Smii7y's confidence, and probably would never admit his foolish feelings to what felt like the face of true, cold rejection.

Smit shifted slightly and it brought him out of his mind. "Don't fall asleep on me John. I don't want you to fall in the middle of the street while I'm driving." He chuckled.

John snuggled himself further into Smit's neck without thinking. Smii7y said nothing, but dropped his shoulder so John had more room.

This man really spoiled him.

"Don't fall asleep though, I'm serious about you falling off." Smit said softly.

"I won't." John mumbled his reassurance. He thought only he could hear it, but forgot Smii7y had super hearing, and heard him.

"Keep your promise John, I don't want you to get hurt."

"That's cute, Smit." John replied simply

"Oh yeah, so cute." Smit said sarcastically.


The rest of that night went by as a blur, not much happened besides Smit taking him home. John walking into his bedroom, drowsier then ever, and falling asleep in his bed with his helmet on.

Good thing it was the weekend.

John woke up, and immediately realized he had not slept in the best position, and was moderately sore now. Smit had texted him twice. They weren't really texts, he just sent him two pictures of him with Tyler. John had Tyler's number too, but they didn't talk near as much as John did with Smit. He's hard to ignore.

John got up, and started his short morning routine of coffee, making his hair look less of a mop, and watching his bike.

John let his mind wander to Puffer. He could see Smit's immediate dislike, and anxiety around him. Even on his bike, Puffer looked far shorter than the both of them, and clearly wasn't a difficult opponent. Smit also has that handy glock that thankfully they didn't have to use. So he wasn't threatening to Smii7y.

Smii7y mentioned gang involvement. That could scare anyone away, you don't want to be involved in a gang. It will most certainly, get you killed.

Smii7y had told him vaguely, that he had been part of one when he was young, and dumb. He didn't mention Puffer being in it, but John suspects he knows what happened.

Smii7y is quite quick to give into pressure, so he was probably pressured into gang involvement. If Smit is told it's cool, or will help him in any way, his brain will automatically want to do it. When he was younger, this part of him was probably worse.

John will admit that Smit is quite mentally tough, but he gives into John in a snap. If Smit knew Puffer for that long, he trusted him most likely. Then Puffer himself pressured him into it.

Maybe Puffer thought it was a good idea? John couldn't see how. He looked like he was living well off. He wasn't open carrying a gun, and if he was conceal carrying, he hid it well. Obviously smarter then the others.

The full mat black bike was probably for swift getaways, as well as his clothes. 

He seemed more then willing to talk to Smit, but that feeling was not mutual.

Something more had to have happened between the two, and John was getting suspicious.

He couldn't just upright ask Smit, besides him telling him he would answer every question. He didn't want to get emotions tangled into it. He also didn't want to be anywhere near Puffer, knowing his involvement.

John just settled on not knowing. Maybe it was better that way.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now