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John hopped on his bike and pulled out his phone. Smit was now doing his proper morning routine, texting him nonstop.

John opened his maps, and saw Smit was standing... somewhere. He was standing still, at least, so this wouldn't be a wild goose chase again.

John kicked up the stand on his bike, and took off towards Smit.. where ever he is.

When he did find him, he was leaning on a lamppost, with a different ZX-6R parked behind him. He never ceases to amaze.

"Oh, you found me." Smii7y said sarcastically.

"You leave your maps on." John replied warmly, just happy to see Smit.

"Only for you." He said in a flirty tone.

John ignored the comment, but instead asked another question. "How many bikes do you even have?" 

"Uh..." Smii7y went silent. And was seemingly trying to count.

"At least 70." He nodded to himself.

"Holy shit. Where do you even keep that many?" Maybe John underestimated his popularity.

"In my big ass garage, duh. Wanna see em?" John could hear Smii7y's eye roll.

"HELL YEAH! Can I ride some? What models do you have?!" John was ecstatic at the offer. The idea of getting his grubby hands on some of Smit's beauties, absolutely delighted him.

He wasn't going to steal the bikes. He liked Smit too much to ever do that. He loved Smit too much.

"I'll take you once I'm done here." Smit said happily.

"What are you even doing?" John questioned.

"Waiting for my appointment, I have two bikes in shop right now, and need to do some modelling for big companies." He said quickly, looking up from his phone.

"Modelling? Man I really did underestimate your popularity." John said.

"It's really nothing. I sit on a bike, or a hold a product, get paid a shit ton, then I spend it on bikes." Smii7y said shrugging.

"How much do you get paid, I should really get into the business!" John said chuckling.

"2 million for a good contract, I'm on the low side. Your good looking, even without your face, I could probably get you in." Smii7y said seriously.

"Your kidding." John said, stunned.

"Nuh, I could probably get you contracts." Smii7y looked up from his phone again.

Now John was sure, despite Smit's plethora of wealth, he could never take anything from him. John, also, hadn't looked at what part of Chicago he was in when he was looking for Smii7y. John was only concerned with the familiar flash of the gems on his helmet.

They were standing in front of a 30 story building, that would probably take 2 hours to reach the top if you took the stairs.

Johns eyes then went to the ZX-6R. A beauty to behold. It was mat black, but had an extreme amount of colors splattered at the front, like Smit drove it at 120 mph through a paint bucket. On both sides pointy graffiti writing says ZX-6R, and a large 7 underneath it. Smit's signature.

"I could take you in the building if you want." Smii7y said, snapping John out of his staring.

"You can do that?" John asked in full seriousness.

"I can do anything."

Sure Smit. Sure.

John smacked Smit on the back of his helmet, and pushed him a little to lean on the post too.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now