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Smit was probably more than happy to ride alongside John, instead of with him. Now he showed his skill by doing wheelies on almost every street, Stoppies up to every red light, or stop sign, and standing up on his seat like he was surfing. John saw him do a flip off the front of the bike to the back, and almost had a heart attack. 'How the fuck does he do this?' John would think, for obvious reasons.

Then he wondered. How the hell did the bike keep straight, or even keep its balance like that? Surely the sudden weight change would affect the bike? How did he land that? The bike is going quite fast, wouldn't the speed pull a factor? John was just stunned, and half convinced Smit was magical.

"What?" Smit asked him at a red light.

"I- HOW." John demanded.

"W-what?" Smit tilted his head. Cocked it to the left. John loved that movement so much for some reason.

"How did you do that flip?" John asked more soft this time.

"I dunno... practice?" Smii7y responded with a shrug.

He then proceeded to to do a burnout until the light went green, and shot forward. John only shook his head. How many tickets did Smii7y get in a day?

John was then treated to Smii7y doing handstands on the throttle, effectively showering the whole city with the song of his bike. This also scared the shit out of him. Smit also decided to perch on the front of his bike while doing a wheelie, and do handstands while doing a wheelie. 

This is what he's famous for right?

John was okay with two wheels on the ground.

Maybe John should do racing? He was much better at speed then.. that.

"What's wrong, John. Am I too crazy?" Smii7y asked at another red light.

"Maybe Smit, I dunno, you scared the shit outta me with that flip." John shook his head.

"I live on the edge. If you want to stick around, you better get used to it." Smit said softly.

"I won't leave you if that's what your worried about." John replied honestly. He couldn't bring himself to leave Smii7y, he had drove too far off the cliff already.

"That's good to hear." Smii7y said this sombrely, and it pulled at Johns heart.


By the time they got back to Smit's humble abode, his mood had not lightened. It was concerning to John. For having as much talent as Smit does, the world doesn't seem to like him. Everyone seemed to turn away, and act like he isn't there. John had seen it, with the amount of times he'd gone places with Smit on weekends, he knew. 

John couldn't figure out why people do this, from what he'd seen, Smit's record was spotless, and he was in the military. He was honourably discharged. Smit lied about his age at 15 to get out of the abusive home he was in, and lived through the military for at least 4 years. For him, he didn't look 15 at 15. John didn't see him, that's what the report said.

And it wasn't that Smit wasn't trying. He was trying his all to talk, and get people to like him, but if he wasn't on marketing, billboards, or anything, no one wanted anything to do with him.

Smii7y jumped on the bike John was on without a word, and John was seriously concerned. He wanted his bubbly, happy Smii7y back.

"What's wrong Smit?" John asked carefully.

"It's nothing. You don't need to get involved with my problems." Smii7y retorted, sombrely.

"I want to get involved." John shot back, and Smit only shook his head.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu