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"Puffer, how about you lead?" Smit asked, he wanted to be behind him, incase something happened.

"Nah, it's fine. Grizzy, pass me another drink."

"Puffer, if you have another drink, you might die." John huffed, sitting on Smii7y's sled while he talked to Puffer.

"If I HaVe AnOtHeR DrInK I MiGht DiEeEe~" Puffer mocked. "Shut the fuck up," There was a small hiccup in-between his sentence. "I don't remember asking-."

Puffer suddenly fell off his sled, face first, into the snow.

"Is he dead?" John scoffed, he probably just passed out anyway.

"I hope he isn't!" Grizzy exclaimed, stumbling off his own sled to check on Puffer, who was likely fine, but in Grizzy's drunken brain, who knows what he thought.

"Should have stoped handing him another." Smit grumbled, also walking over to Puffers now unconscious body. 

John looked at his phone, it told them they weren't far from where they'd entered the trail. "Now what?"

Smit looked back towards him, also a bit confused on what they'd do now, if anything John was supposed to be drunk, not Puffer. He wanted to drink in the first place, but he'd had two vodka and cranberry's this whole trip.

"I guess we take the key, and Puffer back home, then two of us come back out on one sled to pick it up." Smit sighed, looking towards the sled, he certainly didn't think Puffer would pass out.

"Puffer! wake uppp!" Grizzy said as he shook him violently.

"Grizzy, he's passed out, not passed away, he'll be fine." Smit groaned, "don't let him throw up in his helmet though, we all know he likes to vomit in his sleep." A small gag from Smit accompanied his statement.

Grizzy looked back to Puffer, removing his helmet, so that his dark hair, and sleepy face was seen instead.

"I'll take him back." Grizzy offered, but then again, Grizzy definitely was not sober.

"Maybe I should." John huffed, he'd had the least amount of alcohol anyway.

"No, I'll take him." Grizzy's offer wasn't an offer, it was a demand.

"If you say so." John mumbled, he didn't really care regardless. He also didn't want to start a fight.

"John, thats my sled." Smit turned and looked at John, tilting his head slightly to the left. Fuck that movement, John forgot how much he loved it.

"Nuh uh."

"Yuh huh."

"Nuh uh."

"But it is." Smit giggled a bit, he had a few drinks too, who wouldn't when you had to deal with the two asshats they travelled with.

"Nope." John popped the 'P' just for fun. "It's ours."

"So we're either communist, or married."

"I like the latter." John looked back towards Smii7y slowly.

"Ooo~ Should I be planning?" Smit chuckled as he walked back over to his sled, and held out a hand, asking John for the key.

"Only if our marriage is on a million dollar yacht, and I get to wear the dress." John huffed, dropping the key to his sled in Smit's palm.

"Damn, I wanted to wear the dress, whites my color, John!" Smit continued, "but we can definitely do the yacht, as long as I'm blindfolded."

Shit, he'd completely forgot about Smit's fear of water.

"Nah, how about we get married while on a motorcycle trip to Vegas? Then we can hold hands in the Bellagio." John watched Smit walk over to the pure black sled parked next to John, exactly where he'd left it.

"I've always wanted to go to Vegas." Smit admitted as he turned Johns sled on, letting John drive his still idling sled.

"Can you two stop planning your marriage, Puffers dying!" John couldn't help but laugh at that, he wished he'd gotten that hammered.

"He's alright, c'mon Grizzy, we'll get him home." Smit assured, although his tone certainly was not all that soothing.

Grizzy huffed, crossed his arms, but complied, in his drunken state, he forgot all about Puffer, and went back to his sled. John couldn't stop himself from laughing this time, and clearly Grizzy wasn't happy he was laughing at him.

"What?" He grumbled, fumbling with the key to his sled, even though it was already on, and idling.

"You forgot something!" John said in-between bouts of laughter.

Smit looked up, and started laughing too, but stopped for a second.

"John, maybe we should just come back for the sleds in the morning? Grizzy will get himself killed." Smit seemed concerned, and in good reason.

"I wouldn't be opposed to it, but you have to take Grizzy, because Puffers quiet." 

"Oh, I wonder why Puffers quiet." John could feel that eye roll.

"He's a little sleepy, thats all." John said as he finally got up from his perch, and tossed Puffer over his shoulder with some effort. A bit more effort than he'd like to admit.

"A little sleepy?"

"He's dead!" Grizzy seemed convinced Puffer was dead, which John didn't put past him. Puffer went out in a style where he looked like he'd been taken out by a sniper.

He certainly wasn't dead, because his heavy breathing could be heard from miles away.

"Oh, the things I thought could have happened on this trip, and this was not one of them." John mumbled.

John tossed Puffer behind him on Smit's sled, and watched as Smii7y tried to convince Grizzy that one, Puffer wasn't dead, and two, to ride with him instead.

"Grizzy, he's not dead, he's right over there!"

"HeS DeAd!!" Grizzy didn't have an even tone now, John found this hilarious.

"Grizzy, c'mon, he's fine, we are all fine."

Puffer might actually not be fine, but he's fine for the time being, and this gives John a real fucking good story to tell later. Right now, the only thing he was worried about when it came to Puffer, was if he'd get hypothermia.

An actual concern, but it was hardly cold out right now, and John wasn't actually all that worried about it at all. Puffer will definitely be colder once they get moving, but they seemed far from moving right now.

Smit offered a hand to Grizzy, and he stared at him, bewildered, before taking it. Smit led him back to Johns sled, offering him to sit behind him. When Grizzy finally went with it, Smit looked at John, who could practically feel his smile.

"Well, let's take these ladies home, I guess."

"Such ladies these are." John huffed.

"Don't make fun of me." Grizzy abruptly slammed his head into Smits back, probably passing out as well.

"Gri- Yow!" Smit yelped looking behind him briefly, while John laughed his ass off.

Guess this made their life easier.

~ A/N ~

oh my gawd its Tom Brady.

thats staying there with no context.

-Fun Fact(s)-

that Vegas thing I mentioned is foreshadowing.

Something big is gonna come up soon I swear! (Has something to do with the foreshadowing before)

My uncle passed out drunk while he was going 90km/h on a sled once.

I've been binge watching so much shit lately. (imma bout ready to put that mature tag on oml.)

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now