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Regardless of their previous conversation, John and Smit both left the room smiling.

Smit was right about Grizzy expecting him to pay, and honestly, John would've cared about what he was saying if Smit's hoodie wasn't more interesting.

The car drive was fast, as they weren't far from Calgary, and the cabin was just barely by its lonesome. Of course, John got the front, his seat beside his only beloved, and the other two got to pick on each other in the back.

John wasn't sure he actually knew what the two considered themselves. They seemed more like fuck buddies then anything, but then again, Smit and him could also be considered that. Although, he'd like to be considered something more sophisticated.

Surely Smit did too, showing everyone who he belonged to so fast. John loved that he'd done it himself too, purposefully courting John in the process. He's too smart for his own good.

That wasn't a lie, Smit was extremely smart, to the point he can accurately guess something about someone, or something that's going to happen. It almost seemed inhuman. Although, Smit himself was anything but.

"You guys wanna hit a pub or something?" Puffer asked, giggling at Grizzy, who'd done nothing to deserve his laughter.

"How are you not hungover?" John asked, confused.

Puffer only shrugged, continuing his meal.

It seemed every man in their group, besides Grizzy, was a mystery at times.

"No, these two want to get back and fuck." Grizzy huffed, finally taking his eyes away from his food, which he'd devoured way too quickly.

"Oh yeah, like you two haven't been doing that too." Smit grumbled, He'd barely ate at all, which wasn't unusual for Smit. Smii7y had actually preferred to not even get his own meal, instead just pecking off of John's, which he wasn't complaining about.

"Oh great, everyone fucking knows." Grizzy mumbled, after shoving more food in his mouth.

"We all knew before you even did, dumbass." Smit added.

"I'm just happy I'm getting some." Puffer concluded.

"Wait, did you two switch clothes?" Grizzy looked up, there wasn't much left to eat on his plate, while Smit and John had barely even started. No wonder why Smit was so lean, even John had eaten more than him.

"Took you this long to notice?" Smit huffed, looking back at John, now proudly wearing his white hoodie.

"Well, yeah, I don't pay attention to that shit."

"Maybe you should." With that, Smit went back to pecking at John's plate, not bothering to hear the rude comment left by Grizzy.

What a stupid fucking thing to get angry over.

John noticed that he'd definitely became more possessive, or defensive over Smit, and he had been since the start. It seemed the two of them were both doing the same thing.

After Grizzy was done with his plate, he moved on to Puffers, who complained at first, but let it slide.

"Grizzy, stop eating all my fucking fries, fuck off!" Puffer slapped Grizzy's hand once he'd had enough. "Maybe if you hadn't ate so fast you'd have more food to eat, stupid bitch."

"Rude." Grizzy grumbled, reluctantly putting his hand on his lap.

Smit just looked over at John, who'd finished their plate for them, since Smit didn't look like he'd wanted too.

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα