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John was not liking how this interaction was going, but vowed silently to not get involved. He really could care less about what was being said, he was only worried because Smit was hanging by a thread forcing himself to stay passive.

Neither party wanted to get violent for their own reasons, Smit knew John would intervene if he tried anything, and Puffer didn't want to hurt Smit anymore than he already had.

John had quietly watched from the couch, half immersed in a movie, and half listening to see if all hell would break loose.

He didn't really want to see what Smit's violent tantrums were like. That, and he didn't want to see Puffer die today.

For once, Smit was the one causing concern for the situation, he was barely keeping himself under control, and Puffer was trying to deescalate it.

He was failing miserably. 

"Smit, are you even listening?" Puffer tried, his voice sounded a bit weak. John wouldn't intervene, they had to solve it themselves.

"No, I'm not, because your fucking lying." Smii7y sounded a bit calmer than before, but he was still standing his ground. John sometimes loathed how stubborn Smit really was, but it's a package deal. You want Smit, You gotta take the trauma and sass with him.

"I'm not lying, you're just too stuck in your ways to listen to me!" Puffer pleaded, but it wasn't exactly the best thing to say.

"Oh, you motherfucker, I will-." Smit began, but John looked his way, and he stopped dead in his tracks.

John mentally cringed, these guys were getting all riled up over honestly nothing anymore.

He glared at Smit, and then went back to watching his movie, frankly, it was more interesting.

"Sorry, Puffer." Smit said quietly, more like he didn't want to say it at all.

John had never seen Smii7y this angry, and surely Puffer wasn't the only thing wrong here. No, Smit wouldn't have gotten that angry over this if it was any normal day.

What happened?

Soon, there was something else on John's mind. What happened before Smit got here? Obviously something else triggered this anger. Sure, he was stuck on Puffer doing all those things years ago, but this was very uncharacteristic for Smit.

Smits the type for jealousy, not anger.

John abruptly got up, and walked over. This made Smit stop talking to Puffer, he had his eyes on him only, and Puffer was reasonably annoyed.

"What happened today, Smit." John asked calmly. His mild, emotionless tone was somewhat calming to most people.

"I.. Thought you didn't want to be included in this?" Smit asked slowly, unsure.

"That's not what I asked, that's not why I came here." No issue with being blunt sometimes.

"John, that doesn't matter right-." He didn't get to finish, he didn't have too, John was going to be just as stubborn as he his.

"You're not angry at Puffer, are you?" John melted his ice cold glare a bit. "He doesn't need to be chewed out just because your mad at something, or someone else."

"I'm not.. Mad.." Smit mumbled.

John didn't want to be a therapist, but it seemed he stepped up to the plate the day he met Smit at that gas station.

He could use a coffee.

"More upset." Smii7y grumbled, not really wanting to admit it.

"Then if it's not Puffer you're upset at, don't make him feel more guilty than he already does." John decided to free Puffer from his prison of words. "Seriously, you're acting like children."

"Im still sorry Smit, I-.." Puffer was stopped by John.

"I'm sure he gets the point, he's just being air-headed right now." John glanced towards Smit's mildly irritated face, before noticing it turned more passive. He was right.

"How about we watch the rest of this movie, and then you can tell me what's bugging you." John suggested.

Smit nodded, he probably just needed to wind down a bit to start thinking straight again.

Apparently whatever was bothering Smit just wasn't important, or was so important he wasn't sleeping, because as soon as the movie started again, Smit was asleep on John.

Puffer still seemed annoyed, but he grew more comfortable throughout the movie. maybe stepping in wasn't a bad idea after all.

When the movie was over, he let Puffer pick a new one. John didn't really care what he ended up watching, he was solely focused on Smit. He was completely out, and was putting all of his weight on John. At first his head was tucked near his elbow, but his arm started falling asleep, so he moved it around Smit instead.

John looked toward the window for a second to notice the sunset, and the flecks of white in the air.

Was it snowing?

John had actually never seen snow before, he lived in a relatively hot area that never really got any. Surely snow wasn't good on motorcycles right? were the bikes still outside?

He glanced at Puffer, and he gave him a look of confusion.

"It's snowing." John said quietly to try and not wake Smit.

"In October?" Puffer turned around to see the snowflakes for himself. "That ruins some plans, I bet."

You don't bike in snow right? its slippery, and cold, and cold starting a bike isn't good. How would John do literally anything? He didn't think that far ahead.

"Did we put the bikes away?" John watched the window intently.

"I think so, I don't think it matters much regardless." Puffer waved a hand at him.

Like it matters much is a large understatement. Bikes should not be cold, and definitely not outside in snow and wind.

"Puffer, if we left them out, I'll be pissed."

"Chill, they're inside, I'm pretty sure we usually leave them in for the night now." Puffer rolled his eyes, looking back to the movie.

"Asshole." John mumbled, and looked back to Smit, only to notice his pretty red and brown eyes were staring at him.

"Sorry, Smit." John squeezed Smit's shoulder lightly, to which he only stared at him a second longer, before tucking his head back into Johns side.

Obviously he wasn't worried.

Unless the snow melts, that ruins their October plans.

What do people even do in winter?

Boy, he was about to find out.

~ A/N ~

Here comes the snowww~

-Fun Fact(s)-

John and Smits relationship is based on people I know, who act like assholes away from each other, but absolutely drop the attitude around each other.

Everyone gets to be a bit taller in this fic mainly because Smit is always super short, (Which he is) and I felt like being different.

John never thought ahead on what he'd do when it snows because he never had to deal with it before, and so he has no ride. hehe.

Literally NEVER leave a motorcycle outside for more than a few hours, or I will hate you. You treat that baby with respect >:(

Thief With A Bike ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now