Part 14

14 1 0

3 weeks later- Tuesday


Me and Kate just finished college, she hasn't spoken normally since it happened, it's either short replies or just sounds with her mouth shut. I'm the same though, me and Kate have cried in college so many times the past few weeks.

We get onto the bus and once again it's silent, not one word comes out of our mouths, Kate looks drained, eye bags and messy hair all the time; I don't think she's even washing.

As for me, me and mother are quite the same, we don't speak a lot anymore. My mother has started drinking, and just sort of going nuts. Me? Well I sometimes drink with her or lock myself in my room. I sometimes think of joining Derek, seeing if I could see him again.. but I'm not going to do that. Derek would be angry at me.
I haven't heard from Christian since he sent that letter, I heard he's out of hospital now, I want to see him so badly, I miss him so much. I just want to be in his embrace again, but I know he won't because I've made it clear I don't want it anymore. But I do.

As the bus came to a stop me and Kate got off the bus in silence,
"Emily, when you move away.. I'm going to struggle." Kate speaks up stopping and look at me.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that my mum doesn't want to live here anymore, she thinks it's got too many memories and it's best to close off this chapter. I agree with her but my only worries are Christian and Kate, they are my life.
"I know, me too. But I'll always come and visit and you can come and visit me... Kate it's just a blimp right now, we're going to be okay." I say
"It makes you think though, why do you need to stay in contact with me? I'll only remind you of Derek, and you'll remind me of Derek. It's too hard for me, Emily. I just can't even talk, think... well at least not anything but derek, I just don't feel there..."
she tells me.
"I feel the same way though, Kate. We both lost someone... I lost my brother, my mum lost her son, and you lost your boyfriend. I feel that way all the time but that doesn't mean that we should go out separate ways when I move?"
I say getting a bit worried.
"Emily, babe, I love you. But I can't think about it anymore, it's eating me up. You remind me too much of him, please understand this." She says.
I just nod at her and we walk in silence again.


I walk into my bedroom, all my pictures and most objects in my room have been boxed up ready to go, we're moving to New York, very big change for me and my mum but I think we'll be okay. I know Derek always wanted to move out of this place sooner or later, I just couldn't stop looking at this house that was so full of memories, and was now so unrecognisable. The life in this house died along with Derek, a part of me died that day too.

"Hey you okay?"
My mum peaks her head through my door.
I turn around sniffling trying to hold in my tears again.
"Yeah," I breath out.
She walks over and holds my hand,
"This is going to be a new start for us, we're gonna be fine."
She smiles at me then grabs my face before kissing my forehead.
My mothers a strong woman, I know she tries so hard not to break down and cry about everything,.. she does it for me, and I'm so grateful for that.



Right now I'm sat scrolling through my phone, i helped my mum pack my bed up so all I'm sleeping on now is a mattress, we're going to be moving out on Friday, starting my new life. Today was my last day at college even, I've been transferred to one in New York, how scary. However, as I was about to go on a message had interrupted my deep thought.

                              Christian <3
                        Today, 6:49pm

Im outside yours, I know
we haven't spoken but
I think we need to.  
                                                         Im coming down.

I walk downstairs, unaware of what he was going to say, all I know is I love him and I want him to be around me always.

I open the front door and see his standing there with crutches, it makes me so sad to see him so vulnerable, I haven't spoken to Christian in what it feels like forever, he was too ashamed and I was too scared.
He looks at me and smiles, there's that smile the smile that makes me feel like everything is going to be okay.
I walk up to him and I feel the awkwardness between us two.
"How you been?"
He asks me, even his voice sounds so weak.
"Well Yknow, coping. How about you?" I say
"I've been better, listen I know this might seem random to you on so many levels, but I just wanted to speak to you." He smiles.
"Christian- I'm moving to New York"
I say and his smile drops.
"That's.. thats uh, that's good news."
He says avoiding eye contact, and his lip quivering.
"It is?" I ask,
He just looks at the floor, I cover my mouth to stop myself from crying but it doesn't work.
"I'm real happy for you, Emily. Wow, your going to have so many things to do, and I'm going to be so happy for you.. and-" I stop him,
"Come with me?"
I ask him holding both sides of his cheeks.
"To New York?"
He asks and I nod.
"What am I going to do in New York?"
He asks with his voice breaking,
"Be with me?" I say.
He nods his head,
"Emily, you need to do this alone. I wont ever have nice things, fancy things.... It's never going to happen for me, it's not in the cards for me."
He says.
"Don't you do that." I say changing my voice to a much more serious tone.
He looks at me confused.
"Don't you say your goodbyes." I say.
We both stay silent.
We both accept the situation, I don't want to leave him, I want to spend the rest of my life with him.
I then pull him in for a hug, he can't hug me back because of his crutches, but I know he wanted to. I kiss him on the cheek before walking back to the house, I turn around once more and smile at him, he gladly smiled back.

I walk back inside to find my mother looking at me, she holds her arms out for me to hug her. I run into her arms and cry on her shoulder.
"Unfortunately, growing older means you have more responsibilities and more things to leave behind, baby." She says calmly.
"As much as I hate that boy, I know it's going to be hard for you, but I'm here."
She whispers in my ear.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang