030: A Girl!

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We were jogging forward, Thomas and Minho carried Alby and I was leading them back to the Glade because three people carrying Alby didn't work as well as we thought. We fell twice, the first time because Thomas all of a sudden let go and the second time because I tripped over a stone and of course Minho got mad and told me not to carry Alby. I was joking and told him that he was carrying for me and didn't want me to carry Alby of course he got pissed at this and gave me a bad compliment. We turned around the last corner and we saw Gladers walk away, Chuck one of them except for Zart, he turned around and gasped as he saw us.

I got faster when more Gladers came, and when I got out of the Maze, I hugged Chuck, he needed it and so did I. "How was it without me?" I asked, "Horrible, you owe me something." Chuck groaned. I went over to Newt and hugged him too. "I was so worried, I'm so happy you survived." He barely cried- well it sounded like this. "I'm also happy seeing you." I hugged him tighter.

The last person I hugged was Winston, "I thought you would be dead." He gasped. "Trust me, you won't lose me that fast." I chuckled. "Shuck, never do that again! Do you understand me?" He scoffed.

A tear dropped on my face as I hugged him tighter. "I  promise I won't"

Minho and Thomas had already gone to the medhut, Winston and I decided to go to the medhut but just when we wanted to walk in, the Gladers came out.

"You saw a Griever?" Was the first thing I heard when caught up with them. "Yeah, I saw one." Thomas answered. Minho added "He didn't just see it. He killed it." Winston gasped and high-fived Thomas. "You need to tell me how." The boy still in shock. "I will." Thomas proudly said.


Gally decided to make a Gathering to punish Thomas, even if he didn't deserve that but who cares I'm not a keeper. Chuck, Winston, and I tried to say anything but they just shut us down, like let me out of that stupid gathering or let me talk.

I wasn't paying much attention just caught some sentences like "Things are changing." , "For 3 years, we have coexisted with these things." , "be punished." , "He killed a Griever!" And "dumb shank," which must have come from Minho. That's why I mostly told Chuck and Winston my point of view of the night, it was more interesting than this stupid gathering. Chuck and Winston seemed like they also weren't interested in listening to what Gally or whoever talked said.

It got my full attention when Minho suggested to make Thomas into a runner. I was happy for Thomas, proud and happy but they didn't want to make me a runner and barely did. But maybe I'm just overreacting. After all, Thomas saved Alby and survived a night in the Maze, if it would be me, they also would make me a runner, hopefully.

"A runner?"

"What?" Gladers were all stunned.

"Minho, let's not jump the gun, here."

"Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!" Chuck cheered, but no one joined him so he stopped quickly, I just kicked him in his side, and he turned his head at me and I giggled, Chuck rolled his eyes and turned away.

"If you want to throw the newbie a parade, that's fine," Gally annoyingly said. "Go ahead. But if there is one thing I know about the maze... it is that you do not-" Gally got interrupted by the sound of the box, but that was not possible. How?

We stood up and ran to the box where Newt and Gally opened it, luckily Newt jumped inside because Gally was pissed so he would not be the nicest towards the bo- IT'S A GIRL!

"It's a girl." Newt said at the same time as I saw the Girl. "Wait what!" I gasped, Chuck giggled at my sudden reaction.

She looked so pretty and innocent.
She had raven black hair which suited her perfectly and her skin was pale, she had those pretty long eyelashes which I was already jealous of and she had the perfect body... damn she definitely had the perfect body. All in one she was really beautiful.

"No way." Gladers were stunned, some looked at me for some reason.

"I think she's dead." Newt then pulled out. That can't be possible, after all this time a second Girl gets pulled up and she's dead!

"What's in her hand?" I looked at her hand and there was indeed something inside.

"She's the last one... ever." Newt stopped. "What the hell does that mean?" "Definitely not that she's the last one." I hissed, I was mad at literally everyone because the Girl was dead even if some didn't deserve that.

All of a sudden the girl shot up, gasping for air and letting her eyes trail over the crowd until she met Thomas's eyes she gasped his name, her eyes flashed over me and Newt, and then she fell again into a coma I suggested. My eyes flashed when I heard the voice of the Girl, it was Tessy from my memories, she was also sent up into the maze. That was really weird the last three who were sent up are all workers I suggested.

"Do you still think I'm overreacting?" Gally asked.


A/N: Sorry that this chapter is a short chapter, I try to write more.

How do youlike it this far? How do you like Alisha's character from 1-10?

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