015: Banishment

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"Are you all right?" Chuck worried when I left the med-hut. "Yeah, I'm not stung." I calmed him.

"Thank God, I was worried" he breathed out.

"I'm so tired," I yawned, "can I go to bed?"

"You wanna miss the banishment?" He wondered.

"The what?" I gasped.

"Banishment, basically we send someone, if he did something bad, to the grievers over the night." He started explaining.

"I know what this is, but who should be banished?" "Dave." He looked down.

"Dave the runner?" I asked.
"Yes, what Dave else, the runner Dave, the bad Dav-" He stopped himself and looked at me.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, I couldn't believe that he would be banished, was it my fault? Should I stop them? Maybe if I would stop them, Dave would be nicer?

"Why should he be banished? Can't you just give him a week in the pit?"

"Are you crazy? He did that two times and he is proud of it. Alby tried to talk with him, but all he said was, he would do it again." Chuck explained.

Only thinking about Dave made me unsafe, I knew he would be dead but I felt him again, everywhere and I heard his words again.

"Let's go eat and then the banishment started."

He said I am fat.

"I'm not hungry."
"What not hungry at all, you ran the whole day, you should eat." He pulled me with him.

"Chuck!" I yelled, "I said I'm not hungry." Chuck looked worried but soon let go of me, which I was very grateful for.

I sat down under a tree and closed my eyes, just to open them again because I saw him. After some time I saw Minho walking towards the pit. I hate him every day more and more when I see him.

Suddenly Chuck was in front of me and handed me his hand. "Let's go, it will start soon." I stood up and thanked him, for helping me up.

We walked towards a gate, where many Gladers stood. The Keepers had had poles in their hands. Winston looked back at me and mumbled that everything would be fine and I don't need to look at it.

After some seconds, Minho appeared with Dave, whose hands were roped. Minho held him by his wrist and pulled him with him. Dave screamed that he would stop doing it and that they should let him go.

It was hard to watch it but I couldn't look away.

The Boy's hair was messy and he had red eyes filled with tears and anger. He found me and said it was all my fault. Minho kicked him in front of the by-now closing doors.

"Poles!" Alby screamed and the Keepers pulled their pole at Dave, he cried and begged me to help him and said that he would never do that again.

"Move in!" Alby interrupted him, the doors would close soon and the Keepers started walking towards the doors with their pole towards Dave. He stumbled back and soon stood in between the doors, he knew he didn't have a chance so he ran inside the maze, I saw his horrible eyes filled with anger staring into my soul. It ended with an Boom and he disappeared.

Newt came towards me and Chuck and hugged me without saying something, that's what I needed. "I will bring her to your room," Newt explained.

We walked towards my hut, I was shocked and couldn't talk. I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad, maybe both?

"You okay honey?" Newt worried.
"You are safe now, do you hear me?"

I nodded, and Newt hugged me tighter. I realized that me and Newt didn't spend much time together even though I needed it. And I was happy that he was here, with me.

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