009: Alby

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I sat down at my picnic table, not feeling hungry at all. Minho already saw her crying one time, he shouldn't see her a second time too.

"Hey, is it free" I heard a boy's voice next to me. Alby. "Sure, sit down" I mentioned next to me.

"I'm sorry for the night in the pit" he excused, "it was my fault, why would you excuse?" I was wondering.

"Well... I forgot to tell you the three rules, kind of felt bad, maybe you wouldn't go in.

Oh belive me boy, i would because of the task.

"It's not your fault. Okay. I think i would go anyway." "No, you wouldn't" he muttered.

"Nah i would"


"I would"


"Okay, can you stop, i know best"

"Anyways, let's not fight." He made a pause "We only have three rules. First, do your part. No time for any freeloaders. Second,never harm another Glader. None of this works
unless we have trust. Most importantly...never go beyond those walls. Do you understand me Alisha?" Alby explained. I nooded but deep inside i knew i need to go back into the maze.

Sorry, Alby but No!

"Good, so how do you like it here?" "It's better than I thought" I lied. "Alby, where you the first boy here?" I asked.

"No, we had people before but they all died" he locked down. "How?" Why did I even ask that?

"It was new for them, we were not many people, didn't have those great runners" he mentioned at the maze.

"Yeah, great runners" I laughed, "listen, I know Minho tries to act cool but please don't fight anymore. He just doesn't know how to be around a girl"

"Still has no right to be that way towards me" I sniffed.

"That's right"

"Alby, can I be a ru... a.. me.." I stuttered. " A runner?" He ended my sentence.

"Yes, yes" I nodded,

"I try my best" he smiled.

I was so happy that I hugged Alby, he hugged me back. "What is going on?" Newt asked as he sat down at our table.

"Secret between us" Alby winked, "between friends" I corrected.

Alby patted my hair but it was different than Minho did.

"Why are you wearing Minhos clothes?" Newt asked and looked at me.

What? These are Minhos Clothes? Why would he give me his clothes?

"I knew they looked similar" Alby clapped his hands. My cheeks turned red.

"Ugh, I didn't have any clothes" I tried to hide my shocked voice. "See, he gets better" Alby cheered.

"Are you okay?" Alby shooke me. "Yes, of course, I just think why Minho would give me his stuff." "Because he feels bad for you, the way boys look at you" Newt replied to the question I asked myself not him.

"Aren't you hungry?" Alby asked after a while. "No, not at all" Just as I said that, my stomach started growling. AWKWARD.

"Wouldn't say that" he laughed and handed me his plate. "But what about you?" I asked and gave him his plate back. "I worry about you, please eat, dear friend" he gave me his plate again and smiled. This time differently, it was cute, but not in a romantic way, I saw his white teeth.

At the end, I just tried to eat something and it was delicious, Fry has a really big talent.

"You need that energy for today," was all he said before he winked with his eye, and walked away, Newt following him because he gave him a sign.

I'm really sorry for not posting, school is so hard rn but i try to write more, also i don't even know why i wrote this chapter, like why? Gotta ask my 3am-self. I litterly wrote more then the half of this whole book at 2-4am, that's where i've got the best ideas.

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