007: Dave

158 4 16

Just a quick question do you like it more if it's written in 3rd person or first?

"Hey boys, having fun?" I saw them laughing, "till you came" Minho rolled his eyes. Winston giggled and I boxed him.

"Are you finished, can't wait to shower"

"Maybe you go and take some new clothes" Minho suggested.

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"You think Chuck doesn't talk?" Winston laughed.

"Meet me here," Minho said.

I stood up and walked over to my and Chuck's hut, I saw many clothes. Two hoodies, one white and one black, 2 black baggy pants, 3 T-shirts, two white, one blue, and two cycling shorts, green and blue.

I took the blue cycling shorts and one white T-shirt with me and ran towards the picnic tables. Minho was standing there and looked tired.

"Here you are" he gasped.

He walked away and I quickly jogged after him. There was a hut attached to the Homestead. Minho opened the door and glanced at me.

"Here we are, you better hurry up" he annoyingly said. "I will try my best," I said and walked in.

There were about five shower cabins on my left and on my right, two sinks with huge mirrors. Then I gasped out loud. I saw myself for the first time, my messy blonde hair, my hazel eyes, and my button nose, just like Chuck told me but I realized there was a small scar on my nose.

I wanted to know the story of how I got the scar, but maybe someday I will know it. I indeed was short.

"Wow, that's what I look like," I said out loud. "Don't adore yourself and go showering" I heard Minho mentioning. "As you don't do it every second you're here"

"Duh, but at least I look pretty and hot." I didn't even reply to his answer.

Every shower had its own shower curtain, they all were white. But that's all they had, no lock just a shower curtain.

"Are you gonna stand here till I'm finished, like really till the whole end?" I asked, scared Minho would just walk away. "If you hurry up, I will wait till you finish." He said annoyed.

I got out of my clothes and soon stood under the showerhead. I turned on the shower and immediately felt happy because it had cold water.

I took the shampoo I had when I came up, I had 1 shampoo, 1 conditioner, 1 shower gel, some period stuff, deodorant, and a comb. I put the shampoo into my hair and it smelled like coconut.

After some time I was finished, and I dried myself with the towel that I got from Alby. A fresh one of course.

Put on blue cycling shorts and a white T-shirt. The shorts were a little too big, and the T-shirt was a bit bigger.

I combed my hair and took a last look at myself.

"Ouch," Minho screamed when I pushed the door against him, "Sorry," I said. Minho was looking at my curly blonde hair, then at my t-shirt, at my shoulders which were wet because of my hair, down to my shorts, which went up to my knees.

"Could you stop this" I kicked him against his shinbone. He pulled his feet away and looked me into my eyes, his dark-brown eyes, they looked so pretty-

"Good night shorty" he patted my head and walked away. I froze what was that, I liked it and hated it but why would he do that to me?

"Am I a dog to you" I managed to wake up from my trance and screamed after him. "Golden retriever, if you want to know which one" he giggled.

What does that mean? Was it an insult or a compliment? And the craziest part is WHY AM I BLUSHING?

After I got myself not to faint but still blushing, I jogged over towards my hut, when suddenly someone grabbed my arm and twisted me around behind someone's hut

I saw black eyes but nothing more, they didn't look like they just wanted to talk to me.

"You look so damn sexy with your wet hair," the male voice said. I had a bad feeling and my stomach started hurting.

"A little Chubby but we can work on it right?" I froze, maybe I indeed was a little Chubby was that the reason Minho wondered why I was that strong!?

"Let me go" I whispered because my voice disappeared. "Let's have some fun," the boy said and pulled his hand under my t-shirt, he got higher and higher.

I shook my head, tears forming in my eyes.
"Please, please" I begged him but he put his hand on my mouth, so I stopped talking. He put his hands into my shorts, I shook my head even harder, trying not to cry.

He then leaned against me and his lips met mine. I was feeling awkward, I wanted to scream but my voice was fully gone. Somehow I managed to kick my knee in between his legs.

He stumbled back,
"Not that strong as I thought even of your FAT" he laughed. Tears formed even more, If I wouldn't been that scared I maybe would realize that I already lost some tears, I suddenly felt too ugly and started hitting my body.

"Go ahead and cry little girl" he came closer, "but that won't help you"

I started running just before he touched me again. I didn't look back, I was too scared to see him right behind me, I didn't want to go into my hut, what if he would appear there?

So I made a big circle around many huts and then secretly got inside the shower room, into the last shower cabine, and came with my back against the wall, I let myself fall down, my arms around my knees.

I started to cry, I was so scared, I was only sixteen. I cried because I felt his hands all over my body. Again. Because I felt ugly and started seeing my "chubby" belly.

My shorts got wet because I let my head down on my knees and cried into my knees. Would I ever forget this? I just want to be at a better place, at my home, with my parents, which I don't remember.

Sometimes I even let out a sigh and immediately stopped breathing, scared the boy would appear there, or literally any boy.

I couldn't sleep, I was crying too much but I wished so hard to just cry myself into sleep because time was going on so slowly. It even stressed me more. I let down one of my shaking hands at my chest to slow down my heart and catch my too-fast breathing.

After some time I stopped crying but I was still way too scared to go out.

If anyone is going through something like that( or even harder) please talk to me or any else person you trust. It's really important, stay safe. You can always dm me:)

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