026: A fun bonfire

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I went to the bonfire and sat down next to Minho while Thomas sat down next to Newt. But still far away from the fire.

"How is the Greenie?" Ben nudged me. "Don't touch me!" I slapped his hand. "The Greenie is a full-time job."

"Why are you stressed?" Minho glanced at me. "I'm not, I just don't want him to touch me."

Ben passed me Gally's piss as an apology. "I pass but I forgive you."

"Why?" Ben raised his eyebrows, "this tastes disgusting."

Ben took a sip. "Tastes amazing."

"Hey look the Greenie stares at us, no at Minho." Ben giggled. "Probably tries to flirt with him." I replied.

"Shut up." Minho held his hand in front of my face and blocked my view. I stood up and walked over to where Newt and Thomas sat.

"Hey there, you all right?" I sat down next to Newt and kissed him. I could see Minho turn away.

"Are you guys dating?" Thomas looked at us. "No, he's my brother." Thomas showed me his middle finger. "I like you Greenie."

"Well, we were about to stand up, so stop arguing." Newt helped me up.


"And there we got the builders. They're very good with their hands... but not a lot going on upstairs." Newt explained and pointed at Gally.

"And then we got Winston...he's the Keeper of the Slicers. Also my best friend." I pointed at Winston.

When Jeff and Clint walked past us, Newt also introduced them. "And we got two med-jacks, Clint and Jeff."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Yo, Newt, Alisha."

"They spend most of their time bandaging up the slicers."

"What if I want to be a runner?" Thomas asked. I coughed at his sudden question. "Have you listened to a word I've just said? No one wants to be a runner." He made a quick pause. "And, besides, you gotta get chosen."

"Chosen by who?" Before anyone could say one more word, a boy got pushed into Thomas.

"What do you say, Greenie? Wanna see what you're made of?" Gally asked.

The boys started cheering while Thomas walked over to Gally.

Gally explained the rules and started fighting, Gally was stronger than Thomas and for a second I thought that Thomas would lose but suddenly he pushed Gally to the ground.

Everyone was stunned but only some seconds later, Gally made Thomas fall and hit his head on the floor. It looked kinda funny, but somewhere deep down I maybe felt bad.


"Thomas. Hey!"

"Thomas! I remember my name. I'm Thomas!" Thomas stood up, eyes wide open. Finally, he remembers his name, it's hard to pretend like I don't know his name.

"Thomas!" Alby pointed at him.

"Welcome home, Thomas."

While the boys were cheering, laughing, and drinking, I left. I was going towards my hut when someone turned me around. It was Thomas.

"Thomas, what are you doing?" I wondered. "I could ask you the same, why are you going away? Is everything all right?" It was funny to see Thomas worry about me.

"I'm fine, just tired also I'm not a big fan of the fire." He looked at my arm and in my eyes. "It's nothing, now go have fun." He nodded and slowly walked back.

"You know what Tommy, thanks for everything." I smiled at the boy when he turned around.

"What do you mean?" He wondered. "You saved my day, all the bad thoughts disappeared while I was next to you, I don't know what you are doing but don't stop being positive."

"Saved you from what?"

I don't know, dying?

"Not important." That was the answer that I gave him. "The scars on your arm, are they from today?"

"You are asking too many questions."

"Am I that much of a life savior for you?"

"Shut up." I laughed. "You know what? I'm staying with you." He walked past me towards our hut.

"Why?" I wondered. "You are funnier." He opened the door and closed it after I walked inside.

He sat down on his bed. "Also you are answering more questions than Newt."

I walked over to Chuck's bed and took out a little snack. "Chuck and I stole it from Fry, don't tell anyone."

"You and Chuck seem like a chaotic duo."

"Wait till you meet me, Winston and Minho. Spoiler, it's even more chaotic." I laughed.

Thomas and I were talking until Chuck came. "Here you are." Chuck's eyes opened wide when he saw that we had eaten the snacks. "And you didn't call me?"

"Calm down, we have more, Chuck good that you came, we need to tell Tommy everything, every gossip."

"Yes." Chuck sprinted to his bed. "Tommy?" Thomas chuckled. "Umm... just a nickname."

"Whatever let's start with Gally aka Garlic." Chuck high-fived me.

"I don't like Gally." Thomas rolled his eyes. "Us neither." We both stared at each other. "Should I start or are you gonna start?" I ask Chuck, still looking into Chuck's eyes and trying not to laugh.

"I'll start." Winston opened the door wide, closed the door, and jumped at my bed, which made me jump up a little.

"Winston right?" Thomas looked at me. "Yes."

"Her platonic soulmate." Winston put an arm around me.

"Yes, you are also here." Chuck waved at Winston. "Yo, Chuck."

"I can't believe it!" A voice from outside screamed we all looked at the closed door. "You gossip without me?" The door opened and Minho was standing there.

"How could we forget you?" I joked. "I'm so sorry, forgive us, dear Minho." Winston giggled.

"Make place Greenie." Minho sat down on Thomas's bed. "I have a name."

"And I don't care."

"Close the door Minho." I pointed at the door. "You do it!" He ordered. "No, come on."

Minho just looked at a wall. "Ugh, Fine!" I stood up and closed the door when I turned around Winston lay on my bed, so I had no place to sit.

"See that's why I didn't want to get up."

"See I don't care."

I pretended like I would jump at Minho and he stood up jumping at me. "What was that?" I was stunned.

Minho got off me. "I thought you would jump."

We all laughed except for Thomas. "You better get used to our humor."

"I better do," Thomas said.

"Okay, Winston now get up." I giggled. "Let me think, no."

"Oh come on."

"What you gonna do, jump?" Instead of jumping I pulled him by his arm and he fell off the bed. I jumped on the bed quickly.

"How can you be so strong? You are small." He stood up and sat down on the bed. "Don't misunderstand small people." I winked.

"Okay now let's start the gossip." Chuck clapped his hands.

We were talking for hours, Chuck fell asleep at first but we were still talking. After some minutes or hours, Minho and Winston walked back to their huts, and Thomas and I went to bed.

Thomas was a yapper but I love listening to him. Except for his questions, they are annoying. He still was a full-time job.

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