Because Dreaming Cost Too Much

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After Charlie's dream and argument with her dad, she's been put off edge for the rest of the day. Luckily, she had her fantastic girlfriend to help her through the morning! Vaggie had asked her what was wrong, but she dismissed it by saying, "Just have a few things to think about."

Vaggie was a little upset at the answer, but she accepted it. The sky was still bright, and everybody was still awake. Charlie secretly took some sleeping pills; after all, she was a little bit desperate to talk to her dad.

She wanted answers; she wanted to change the future. It's already been around fifteen minutes since she took the pills, and Charlie barely felt tired. She grew irritated by the pills, "I need to buy new ones later."

Another ten minutes pass, and the effects of the pills finally kick in. Charlie can feel her body grow heavy as she slumps into the couch. She lays her body down and uses her arms as a makeshift pillow. A big yawn escapes her mouth as she closes her eyes.

Drowsiness closes around her, and she lets her consciousness slip away.

Just like before, a bright light is streamed in her face. Charlie quickly blinks and adjusts to the brightness. She looks down to ensure the cloak is on her securely; she even tugs it a few times just for extra measures.

With a fire burning, Charlie begins her journey to find Lucifer. She barely catches herself before she runs into tall doors. She backs up and glances up; she's in front of the council building again. Her gut feels weird as she stares at the towering place.

She didn't know why, but the anxious feeling was there. Charlie backs away from the doors, wondering if Lucifer would pop up like last time. She waits and waits. She grows impatient.

Charlie huffs, and she grabs the handles of the doors, pausing before throwing them open. Her thoughts echo around her head. Who would be behind this door? Would she get in trouble? If she did, she wouldn't be able to talk with her dad!

Quickly pulling away, Charlie debates what she should do. All fighting between each side of her brain stops when a frustrated groan is heard behind the door. Without thinking, she kicks open the doors, "I heard someone in here?!"

Her voice echoes down the highly long hall. She falters when she sees Lucifer sitting on a bench beside his drawings. He has an agitated look. Charlie's face lights up, and she runs to him, but that lit-up expression quickly drops when she sees the troubled face.

Charlie frowns, "Da—Uh, Lucifer, are you okay?"

The angel stares at her with dull eyes before he quickly puts on a bright smile, "Of course! If you don't mind me asking who you are?"

Charlie's frown grows more profound, "I'm Char—Uh Charm. Tell me why you're upset."

Lucifer's eyes widen, "Uh, what?"

A moment of awkwardness crosses, and Charlie wants to punch herself mentally. "I'm sorry, that sounded rude! Um, I can help, I mean. Help you feel better!"

Vivid Dreams, Silent StoriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat