The Last Words of a Shooting Star

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It was the next day, and Charlie was less lively than usual.

"She alright?" Angel Dust stares at her with concern.

Vaggie frowns, "I don't know. Whatever she's seeing in her dreams is really affecting her."

Angel nods in agreement, "Should we do something?"

"What can we do? Charlie is very adamant about making it to the finish line."

"That's how I always feel, but sometimes even I needa break."

"Can you go one fucking second without making some sexual comment?"

Angel smirks, "It was neva meant to be dirty. Get ya mind outta the gutter!"

He playfully boops Vaggie's nose before walking away. She flushes with shame, "Fuck you!"

She turns away from him, looking to find Charlie, but the girl disappears. Vaggie looks around the room, "What the Hell? Where did she go?"

Charlie sits on her bed, under the blanket, and she snuggles closer into her pillow. She had bought more potent sleeping pills and had already taken them a few minutes ago. Luckily for her, the effects of the medications are already taking a toll on her. She can feel her eyelids come heavy and her breath evening out.

The steady rise of her chest goes up and down as he fingers relax. Tiredness reaches out to her, and it consumes her whole. Darkness surrounds her vision and mind as she drifts away into another dream.

Strangely enough, bright lights don't burn her eyes as the sleepiness wears off. That scares her a little. Charlie sluggishly opens her eyes, and she observes her surroundings. She sees familiar walls and benches and doors. She was in the council building but not at the front. Those tall doors weren't behind her or anywhere.

She was somewhere inside the building; she just didn't know where. As she walks around the odd place, Charlie feels apprehension crawl up her spine. A slight mumble of voices catches her attention as she walks through the hallways.

Charlie shifts her attention to the big doors to her left. She wasn't sure if she was hearing things, but she hoped not. She was already a little paranoid about being alone here. When the voices behind the door appear again, just a little louder, Charlie steps forward, and she presses her ear to it.


"We are all gathered today for Lucifer's court. We've already decided if he is proven guilty... He will fall."

"Fall? Where?"

Fall. The words go through her head before her eyes dilate, and she backs away. Many emotions flash through her body as she stumbles away from that damn room.

"Fall? Is this the day..." Charlie covers her mouth with her hand.

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