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Sandy materialized out of the molecular cloud forming on the balcony while Sandra looked on expectantly. The form of a young woman in her late twenties took shape. She was dressed in what looked like underwear to Sandra, a skimpy pair of transparent shorts, and a silver top with openings where the nipples peaked through.

    "Sandy, so nice to see you," said Sandra after the cloud cleared. She walked over and gave her a hug. 

    "Hi Nana," said Sandy, returning the hug. "Hope you don't mind me dropping in like this."

    "No, of course not, but I don't think I'm ever going to get used to it. Are you sure it's not dangerous?"

    "Of course not. Safest way to transport according to all the studies."

    "And not expensive?"

    "Nana, I've told you a million times, things don't cost anything anymore. Everybody does what they want and has what they want. The only price is boredom if you ask me."

    "Yes, well you don't know how lucky you are dear. When I come from people are starving."

    "I know. I thought people from Now were trying to do something about that. Aren't you planning to go back to organize something?"

    "Yes, that's the plan, but there are rules. We can't just go back and interfere. Temporal Imperialism, they call it. And there's a big war going on then too, and that has to be considered."

    "You people were crazy if you ask me Nana," said Sandy. "But it must be an exciting place. Do you think I could go with you?"

    "Not this time Sandy. You're not allowed to travel without a guardian until you're thirty."

    "You can be my guardian."

    "I'm your great-great-great-great grandmother. I'm not your guardian."

    "One too many great's in there Nana. You're not that old. Besides, the old concept of age and mortality is so pasado. I'm gonna take the youth injections til I'm eighty and then upload to the cyber universe. I've been there a few times for a visit. It's really cool."

    "I don't know anything about that, but it sounds like an eternity of daydreaming to me."

    "I thought you were gonna say video gaming or something. What's daydreaming?"

    "It's what we did before radio."

    "Radio? Like radiation or something?"

    "Never mind dear."

    "Well, how long are you going to be gone?"

    "That's why I wanted to see you Sandy. When I go, I'm gone. You know the trains can't take me back here exactly. When and if I return, I'll be coming to before we met each other. You won't remember me."

    "Oh, that's depressing. Well, can we talk on the net while you're away at least?"

    "I'm afraid the temporal regulations don't allow for that. There's talk of new technology developments to permit more integration of temporal planes but I still think its hundreds of years away. Or if its there, its been restricted."

    "I feel like we can't do anything in this universe anymore," said Sandy, pouting. "I'm so bored zapping around the Earth cities. Space flight is restricted to those with implants and I'm too young for time travel."

    "Well, what about that daydreaming machine?"

    "Yeah, I can always do that but its kind of strange. Lot of really old people and weirdos. I think I'm going to get a genetic metamorphosis."

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