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I couldn't take my eyes off her all dinner I was staring like a creep. I asked her to be my girlfriend but I was really mad when she named our relation as fuck buddies.

I understood her point I don't love her but I'm fucking obsessed with her just her smells drives me crazy. I love everything about her if she is saying no then I will make my way to say her yes so she can talk to me. I love her voice, her hazel eyes, her long fake blonde hair but they look magnificent on her, her smell, her smile, her angry face everything make me want her more. I'm obsessed bastard .

I like her presence around me I feel I should live longer to just be around her but I'm a devil destructor everything I touched till now is broken that's why I'm good mafia that I don't care about breaking and about my brothers and sisters they are quite understandable. Even I though I show I don't care but I know they understand why I'm so self aware.

But doll is different she is small, cute the one thing I'm so much afraid of breaking I know I shouldn't care I'm just obsessed but might be I want her more.

I don't love mainly I can't but I won't let her go. I know she wants to say yes so I don't give her a hard time but if she says yes we both have a hard time. My hands can't be off her and she just consider fuck buddy that's the last thing she could be.

The time she kissed I'm stuck there it feels unreal we met yesterday and today we kissed Oh I want more I want an answer. I thought she is innocent but not so I know she is not virgin or something I asked mingyu to go through her phone she said it to jullie in text only once but I don't want to assume her character.Everybody has their ways .

I know my doll is innocent but she ain't a saint that's what I like she has that fire in her that hits in the right place at the right time that always make me hard. Now also I don't like it. I know why she will say yes it's because good distraction from work and might help her time pass and I'm so sure if others asked her she say no. To know that I have to wait till night she do journaling she rights everything what she do, how she feel and what she will do it's in laptop so it's easy access I read what she write about me today I hate it and like it at same time.

Lisa suggested " Let's play game it's boring just eating " Jullie and migyu excitedly say yes. "What's game" Doll asked finally looking up from food. "Any suggestions" Lisa asked everyone. " How about kiss game whoever bottle lands kisses" Jullie said. Lisa refuse smiling that she hate to see her boyfriend kissing who is not her. She is little possessive sometimes.

" What about truth or dare" Doll said. I think she sensed it will become disaster after suggesting. Julie thought it was childish but she accepted but put out rule " All should choose one truth next dare how bottle lands if you deny to answer or do dare have to kiss next person" .Doll face looked hilarious but Everyone agreed.

" I'm out you can continue " I said. I know this helps me close to her but I'm not falling in traps of these. " Please oppa do this for me this is only chance to show you are not boring " Lisa said nicely. " Is he your brother " Doll asked because Lisa is professional with me all day so.

" No are you insulting, he is not" Lisa said dramatically. " And I'm not insulted too " I said sarcastically. " He is not my brother but he is like I was working with him as assistant he was rude, one day we are in business party I liked mingyu next day we were dating after first meet then we bond because mingyu and jk are like brothers so we hangout now we are like siblings " Lisa explained but one thing was wrong they started dating in a week I thought to ask but I got text saying Thank me later icey from Lisa then understood.

" So you started dating the day you met" Doll asked curiously that was Lisa intention and it worked" Yeah when we first saw each other I know it's her and she felt the same so we vanished from the party and found hands in our hands after 3 days in jk's office" . Mingyu answered.

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