Thanks to Cherri, nobody got beaten up that night and Mr. Money even gave out drinks on the trio. He seemed to be pals with Cherri, who had resolved the issue quickly, which (Y/N) would have never expected from her. She would need to thank Cherri for that later, after all, she had saved her from a fight with a bar owner. Mr. M walked over to (Y/N) with a much kinder smile than before, handing her a drink. "Im sorry for being so rough back there, girly. I didnt know about your... affairs." (Y/N) looked at him and then at Cherry in confusion, but quickly understood that Cherri had made up a story to not let him ruin their night, so the young demon nodded and smiled. "Thank you for being so understanding, Mr. M." She replied and patted his arm, unable to reach his shoulder with her hands before she raised her cup and chugged everything down at once.

5 Minutes later, Charlie had gotten a call from Angel Dust. She sat up in bed and accepted the call, despite just being woken up by it. "What is it, Angel? You better have a good reason for this" The demon on the other side seemed to be out of breath. "Charlie, we need your help! Quickly!" Angel didnt explain what was going on, but he seemed desperate and sounded like he was running. The princess jumped up, waking Vaggie next to her in the process as she got dressed and started running through the hallway, looking for Alastor. "Alastor! Alastor where are you?!", she semi-yelled and got more desperate the more time passed. Just where was that stupid radio Demon? Instead, she ran into her dad in the kitchen. "Whats got you so stressed sweetie?", Lucifer asked with a worried look on his face. "I- I cant find Alastor anywhere-", "Why would you need that guy? I can help for sure." Charlie sighed and complied: "Angel went out to drink with (Y/N) and Cherri and he just called me, saying they were in trouble and need help fast I dont know what exactly happened" Lucifer sighed in annoyance when he just heard that stupid name. (Y/N). Why was she fucking up at every chance she got, always getting in trouble? But if his little princess was asking for him like that, he couldnt deny her request.

Angel was running through the streets of pentagram city in the pride ring, the small demon woman slouched over his shoulder, her body limp from whatever her drink was spiked with him. After him were a few mafia-like looking shark demons, trying to shoot them down, but its quite hard to hit your target when you are running. If Cherri had been with him, this would have been no problem handling on their own, but he hadnt been able to find her before grabbing (Y/N) out of Mr. Ms claws just in time and running off. How was Angel supposed to know that there would be 13 mafioso sharks running after them. The unconscious girl over Angels shoulder wasnt helping with the situation, hindering him very much from fighting back. The duo was almost at the hotel, when suddenly Lucifer stood between them and the shark demons. Unlike when protecting Charlie, he wasnt showing any signs of true anger, he was just annoyed at how he had to handle this for the little newcomer. In his eyes, she didnt deserve the faith his daughter had in her, but he was gonna fulfill Charlies plea for help anyways.

Lucifer was slightly shorter than most of the Shark-like Sinners and didnt have his coat nor his top hat on. One of the Sinners stepped forward and pointed his revolver at Lucifer. "Step aside, Scum.", The demon spoke, making the king of hell smirk as he realized they didnt recognize him. "Leave, now!", he spoke in a firm voice, but as the mafioso in front of him unlocked his gun, there was no holding back for Lucifer. After the blink of an eye, all 13 Shark demons were laying on the floor, bloody and torn apart as Lucifer still had his smirk on his lips. Meanwhile Angel had brought (Y/N) inside, laying her down on one of the couches in the parlor as Charlie hurried over to both of them. "What happened?", "Im not sure, I think her drink got spiked, but I Dunno", Angel replied, Charlies expression not getting less worried. She had barely checked on the new guest and now she had gotten hurt while being out drinking with angel. Charlie knew this wasnt the truth, but she still felt extremely guilty for letting this happen. Thats when Lucifer walked back in through the front door, his eyes full of annoyance. "What did she get into this time?", he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he looked down at her passed out form. "Were not sure yet" Typical for alcoholics like her, Lucifer thought and walked over to his daughter, rubbing gentle circles into her back to comfort her. As Angel picked (Y/N) up to bring her to her room, Charlie turned towards her father and asked: "Am I a bad host for letting this happen to her, dad?" Tears were building up in her eyes, but she held them back as Lucifer tried to comfort his princess. "No sweetie, no. You are doing amazing. I just think you might need a.... different approach for people like her..."


Here we go. We Finally finished the Chapter. The plan was to start 12 Hours ago, but we kinda got sidetracked. Sorry ;) That's why the Picture up there could also be much better. Next Chapter will have more interaction between (Y/N) and Lucifer, Tension and punishments :D

Art: Moon

Writing: Moon

Inspiration: Fawn

Simps: Both

Wordcount: 1885

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