Chapter 2 : An Audience With The Ruler and The Royal Princesses

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..sorry, it's kind of, make it actually, really really late update.

Well, I don't have much to say in my defence. So, I am sorry for the late update.

it's too short to call it a chapter but, uh, this is all I have as an opener for chapter 2 of this fanfic.

Finally an update.


"Sigh... so, the time has finally come."

"Where are your manners, Claude? You shouldn't behave in such an undignified way." Said the noblewoman sitting across me with a dignified voice.

And then she outright burst into laughter. She wasn't even trying to hide the fact that she said all of that just so, she could make fun of me.

She stopped laughing after she saw that I'd not react to her teasing.

"That's quite a long sigh you have there?" She begins to talk again. "Is an audience with the king that much of a bother to you? You can always share your worries with your mother, you know. I am always here to support you..."

Yeah, that's right.

I was on my way to the royal capital of Midgard kingdom with my mother, to have an audience with the one and only ruler of Midgard kingdom.

It all began about two weeks ago; everything began on the same day, when many noblemen came to the Kaganou estate to celebrate the tenth birthday of Cid Kaganou, the youngest of the three Kaganou siblings, to more specifically my youngest brother.

During the event; at some point, everyone's attention was solely focused on me and only me and it seemed like I was forced into a corner.

And I was only left with two choices, either, I could choose to show off my swordsmanship in front of the large crowd and get subjected to some rumours in the near future, or I could make the choice of leaving everything behind and just make a run for it and later get subjected to bullying by my older sister as well as give birth to some nasty rumors about me.

I'd find myself in quite a troublesome situation.

First, the crowd was quite curious to see how well would I do with a sword.

And why wouldn't they?

After all, most of the noblemen, if not all, who have attended that event have already heard a lot of rumours, just as many as our older sister, Claire Kagnou, if not more,  about me, the middle Kagnou sibling. And they also knew that the middle child of the Kaganou barony, in other words, me again, had never shown any interest in the art of swordplay as of yet and that he had gained quite a fame as a child prodigy in magical research and I was also subjected to many such rumours in the noble society.

But most of the noblemen, who were present during the said event have never seen the subject of these rumours in question in person before. So, they too, were quite curious to get the chance to finally see, how proficient the famous child was with a sword.

Then, there was my competitive sister, who wouldn't leave such a perfect opportunity to show the difference between our swordsmanship in front of a such large crowd, no less.

Then, there was my father, the host of today's event and a person who liked to boast about himself and his students/children.

And lastly, my mother, who could get me out of this situation somehow, but she wasn't actually present in the venue at that time, I know she was just hiding somewhere and waiting for a servant's signal to show herself.

And the rest happens just the way I imagine it. But even I wasn't expecting that my performance at that event would be enough to give me a chance to exchange words with none other than the ruler of this kingdom.

"Sigh... this is too much"

"And here comes, yet another sigh."



Greeting everyone, 

I hope everyone is doing alright in their real life as well as in your life as a reader.

If you are still following this story then, you have my utmost gratitude. And I hope you continue to do so in the future as well.

um, ...please don't forget to leave a, uh, like, I know this is asking a lot after going on such a long hiatus and leave, uh, comment on parts you like as well as leave suggestions about the parts you don't like, this would motivate me to continue this story as well as make me starve to improve myself.

I was actually thinking of writing one or two more parts in chapter 1 and then writing an SS, but then it just came to me that we have spent a lot of time in chapter 1 already and most of the people here might have gotten fed up with it already. So, I just thought of starting to update with a completely new ark instead. Well, there are more reasons I started this series of update/updates with an ark. But let's consume your time with that boring topic.

bye for now.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 03 ⏰

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