Part 1.4

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here is the new update, enjoy everyone.


It has been a week since the night Cid has found the Possessed in his last bandit hunt, or that was how he always liked to call his exploits against every group of criminals/outlawyer.

Many things have happened since then.

I was a little shocked when I found out that Cid didn't even try to contain the overcharged mana from the Possessed specimen, like he did when Claire's mana went out of control and her body started to rot in an attempt to get accustomed to hew overflowing and unrestrained mana.

I'd also used this opportunity to perform some experiments on this specimen. So, it has become my routine to visit Cid's hideout in the broad daylight, retrieve the specimen, carry it to my laboratory and conduct experiments on it.

The day after tomorrow, I will be leaving for the capital city of Midgard kingdom with my father. And we would be having an audience with the king of Midgard kingdom.

Three days ago, a royal envoy has visited our state to inform father about the summon from the king of Midgard. It was for the inventor of new swordplay, which was unfortunately me. All of this ordeal happens due to the little stunt I demonstrated on the evening of the last week.

I really did come to regret my performance in the event.

Claire once again declared war on me after a long period of ceasefire. Then she tried to force me to spar with her on every occasion she gets. It was all because she felt that her swordsmanship, which she carries with pride, was inferior to mine after seeing that one move. She even declared that she would be willingly taking the time I spent in the warehouse as hostage and she would also be willing to always remain attached to me, if that was how she can convince me to spar with her. And she would do all of that until the day, she would be able to best me at swordplay.

It was a really bothersome time for me.

So, I had to spend a lot of time and efforts into explaining her that the move I had have perform on the day of the event was actually not related to swordplay at all, but it was indeed magic, and not just any magic but ancient magic.

I'd once again had to demonstrate the same move in front of her, but this time I'd not use a sword. I have had perform the same motion using my hand as I'd on that day with the sword and chopped down a whole tree.

But she didn't get convinced by my explanation and demonstration.

So, I then did that next best thing I can think of and told Claire that the move I had just shown her right now was indeed a secret move used in ancient times and I always use it to restrained intruders from my laboratory who were after my research report on ancient magic.

And as it was an emergency situation, when I was put in the spotlight during the event held at our estate. So, as a member of the Kagenō family, I could not let anyone swollen our family name or let anyone badmouth my big sister due to my pour performance in an event held for her, so I decided to use my secret move in front of everyone to demonstrate our household's might.

But! I also could not let anyone find out about the ancient magic, so I decided to disguise it as swordplay to kept everyone present there in the dark about it. And I also told her that this would be a secret between the two of us.

In the end, I was able to convince Claire that she was better at swordplay than me. It was a necessary step to keep her motivated about her skill level at swordplay.

As for Cid, he has been secretly watching us the whole time. But! he decided to stay away from Claire as he'd did not want to become her new target. He was also muttering something about me being the protagonist and Claire being the possessive older sister.

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