Part 1.2

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A/N: Greetings everyone,

It has been a long time since my last update, but well, anyways. I hope everyone is doing alright in their day to day life.

This chapter has been in my draft for a long time now, its just that there are few things that I had planed for this story, beforehand and I don't think that those things will have a bad impact on the story moving forward. I think I need to change some of those plot points and come up with a new once to make this story more with the EITS format and if I am going to do that then I have to create a completely new story, entirely.

Well, I will talk about my previous plot points at the end of this chapter and I like your opinion on some point in the plot.

So lets move on the story, I hope you enjoy this new chapter.


Every day, I would wake up early in the morning and then start my day by doing some physical workout. After which, I would always take a bath so that I can look presentable in front of my family on dining table. And later join my family in the dining table to partake breakfast.

After breakfast, I would always leave for my workshop, it was once a simple warehouse mother has arranged for me in the middle of forest, away from any and all know human establishments. Now days, I used it as a place in many different ways. Sometimes, I use this place to do research on ancient magic, other time, I use it to do experimentation on modern magic. On some occasions, I use this space to experiment on precise control of mana present within my body, on other occasions, I use it to do the same thing with natural mana present everywhere. I, sometimes, even use this place as my own personal place to reast.

At noon, I would always return back to Kagenō estate to again join my family on dining table for lunch.

And after lunch, I would sometimes have to join Claire and Cid to take lessons on noble etiquette and cultural arts for 2 whole hours.

Then, I would again leave for my workshop until dinner time.

And that's how I spend my day-to-day second life as aristocrat whenever I didn't have much to do...

...or that was how it was supposed to be.

But here I was, in the middle of might, following after Cid in the forest, when I was supposed to be in sleeping in my bedroom.

This was how, my new life as an aristocrat has been so far.

I would always have to present myself as a child prodigy, who is good at magic research during the day time and at night, I has to keep eye on my younger brother's eccentric activities.

Cid has always been as eccentric boy since birth. He would always behave in an unorthodox way, sometimes, even I was unable to predict how he would react under some circumstances, like how he would always hold back and lose to Claire in a sparring match due swordsmanship training.

He is always trying to hide his actual capabilities from everyone, even our father and Claire, who spend a considerable time with him, are unaware of his actual capabilities when it comes to swordsmanship and magic. And he would always have a unique reaction reach whenever anyone tries, or even actually, belittle him right in front of him. He, somehow, takes it as an compliment to his brilliant performance, or whatever he likes to refers to it.

But even after having all of these unique tyrants, he has always been training diligently by following his own training regimen in the forest in the darkness of night, just like today.

After finishing his training regime, he would return back to Kagenō estate, or sometimes, he would go on an expedition to find out some bandit's hideout and then hunt them down one after another until there were no bandits remains in that particular hideout. Or he would go to his own warehouse, a mension in an abandoned house or a cave, to perform his own research and experiment.

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