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"The Kalos Wbba is holding a championship, and as you guys have crossed my expectations, I want you guys to participate in this championship", Rose announced.

Rosavelt pov:- (in her mind)

Finally, that's what I have been waiting for, all these years, it's finally time to show the world, what Galar can actually do.

Evie pov :- (in her mind)

This is it, the moment for what we all have been waiting for. It's finally our time to shine.

Jarlos pov :- (in his mind)

Ohhh mann...damn.. finally we get the chance to show everyone what we the Galarians are capable of.

As Sakyo notices that the three of his friends zone out, he pats Jarlos's shoulder,"hey guys, I know this is big," as he said, they all are brought back and look at Sakyo. " We are going to win this championship", Sakyo said while trying to encourage the three of them.

"But don't you think need more practice for this??, there will be many teams after all..." Evie questioned, followed by Rosavelt, " Plus we are member short, the wbba allows a team to participate with five members only", which was the followed by Jarlos's question," and btw...we going to get good food there right? I mean it's Kalos after all, it's a big deal you know", After Jarlos asked the useless question, everyone in the room glanced at him and gave him a bombastic side-eye.

"About the last member of your team I am holding a competition for that, and after the last member is decided, you guys will be trained by Leon" Rose said, meanwhile his secretary behind whispered something in his ear.


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" Selene would you mind turning on the TV" Rose asked after listening to whatever his secretary whispered to him. Selene turned the TV on immediately, and gave the remote to Rose then he quickly changed the channel to the Galarian Sport channel where they all saw that some kind of competition was going on.

"As planned the competition has already begun," Rose said while glancing at the TV, " a competition for what ??" asked Jarlos. " For the selection of the last member, it's just the selection round, the four bladers with the most points, will then asked to battle against each other, to select the fifth and the last member of the VK legends", Rose said which left everyone in the room shocked.

" What!! Soo quickly?? I didn't expect for soo many bladers to participate anyways..omgg it's gonna be fantastic-" Rosavelt was saying something with sparkle in her eyes, but was cut off by both Evie and Jarlos.

"KATELYN!!!!!!!! " Evie suddenly screams after seeing her junior or the girl who sat with Evie during a test and had become so good friends with that all the members in the VK legends knows who she is, btw she the cousin sister of Jarlos.

After hearing Evie scream, Gayle who had gone upstairs to complete her homework came running down the stairs and shouted back. " CAN YOU STOP SCREAMING!!! EVERYONE SILENCE PLEASE I AM TRYING TO COMPLETE MY HOMEWORK AND YOU GUYS WANNA PULL MY EARS OUT!!!", after saying all she stormed back to her room to complete whatever homework she was doing.

"Ummm nevermind her, she is a menace anyway," Rosavelt said . Meanwhile Jarlos who too busy cheering his sister on. " YASSS!!!! GOO KATELYN!!!!", Sakyo who was beside him now questioned his existence. Rose said," I got the information that Katelyn has been training really hard to join you guys in the championship. Everyone forgot what that had just happened and focused on the battle that Katelyn was in.

" Wow I am impressed by Katelyn, she has reall-", Rosavelt again was trying to say something but, was again interrupted by Evie. " I can't believe she is doing this, just because she wants to be in our team" while wiping off the fake tears.

We all see Hanami screaming in the mic and hyping up the crowd, they all start cheering for Katelyn. After a few minutes, the match between Katelyn and the next blader was about to start. Hanami introduced both of the bladers. The opponent had a carb based bey which was a stamina type.

Name:- Katelyn Tobio.
Beyblade:- Galaxy Eternatus
About:- Evie's second best friend( according to Evie), Jarlos's cousin sister.

 After a second both the bladers get ready and hold their positions

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After a second both the bladers get ready and hold their positions. Katelyn along with everyone in the crowd," 3,2,1,", then just Katelyn and the opponent,"let it rip!!!". Both of they beys are launched in the stadium and the battle had begun. They all were cheering for Katelyn. Eternatus was a defence type so she had an advantage.

Katelyn seemed completely stable, but two humans were not. " Ohh mah gosh how is she gonna beat that bey??? It looks too strong for a defence type" Evie said while being worried about Katelyn. Jarlos agreeing with her...for the first time.
Sakyo was annoyws by the two of them screaming and whinning about Katelyn," Can't you guys keep quiet for even a second??". But those two completely ignored him, then he turned to Rosavelt, as he thought she could do something. "C'mon Rosa, say something to them". But to his suprise he saw Rosavelt eating popcorn with "Katelyn will win " on her face.

He face palm himself at their silly randomness. Then he looked at Leon, who just shrugged his shoulders, by which he probably meant that they haven't changed at all. When they cheered loudly, he looked at the TV and saw that Katelyn was clearly winning the battle. " Katelyn is gonna win for sure", Sakyo said as he tried to join them in cheering Katelyn. But Evie gave him a bombastic side-eye and said," you realise that right now, I was sure that Katelyn was gonna win form the start".

"Guys just shut up and watch the battle", Rosavelt said while focusing on the battle," Sakyo tried to defend himself, " I didn't do anything tell that do -" , Sakyo gets cuts off by the three of them cheering. And when he looks at the TV, he saw that Katelyn has won and she was chosen as the first blader out of the four bladers who will compete against each other to make it to the team.

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