Episode XVI: Bandit's Wonderful Life

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WARNING: This story touches upon some very sensitive topics. Viewer discretion is advised.

It had been a very bad day for Bandit Heeler. First, he slept slightly late, making him slightly late getting his daughters to school. Afterwards, he was late to an important meeting, and ended up getting his pay docked because of it. By the end of the day, he was the most burned out he had ever been. So much so that when Bluey and Bingo got home from school, he barely acknowledged them, and when they asked him to play a game with them, he acted cold and distant. By the end of the day, when Bandit trudged into bed, he told Chilli, "today was shit. I wish I had never been born!"

When he fell asleep. he soon found himself in a blank white void, with nothing there besides himself. He then walked on and found an armchair in the void. Since he could see nothing else to do, he sat down, but then, he heard a voice saying, "Bandit" he looked up and found himself face to face with..."Dad?" it was true, his father, Bob Heeler, a man who had been dead for a year by this point, was standing in front of him. Bob then said, "Bandit, I heard what you said. And I'm here to show you that, no matter how bad things might get, you're living your best life." 

Then, their surroundings changed, and Bandit was taken to a familiar house, his own, and he saw Chilli walking up to the house after getting out of a pickup truck he didn't recognize. then, he looked inside, where Chilli said, "honey, I'm home!" and out of another room came a Doberman Bandit didn't recognize. Bandit then asked, "Dad, what's going on?" and Bob said, "I am showing you a world where you were never born" then, they continued to listen to the conversation between Chilli and the Doberman, who was soon revealed to be named Tom. While it began innocently enough, the conversation soon turned sour, as Chilli and Tom began arguing, and it soon turned violent, with Tom beginning to hit Chilli with a wooden spoon. "But," said Bob, seeing Bandit's disgusted look, "there's more I must show you" so, they traveled on.

The next place they visited was the school. It looked mostly the same on the outside, but on the inside was where things looked worse. For starters, multiple students were acting more cold and isolated towards one another, but where things got really bad was when Bandit Spotted Lila sitting by herself and reading a book when a mutt arrived and hit her on the back of the head, but all she said was "HEY! Banjo!" but things took a turn for the worse when Banjo punched Lila in the shoulder. But, there was more to see.

Next stop was Frisky's Condo. A place that, in Bandit's real life, she now shared with Rad. But here, Bandit found her coming into the bedroom, her fur was a mess, her eyes were baggy, and she looked like she hadn't had a bath in ages. But then, Bandit noticed something. She wasn't with Rad. Instead, out of the bathroom came a Terrier that Bandit didn't recognize. Until, he noticed the mismatched eyes, and realized that this was Frisky's ex-boyfriend Bosco.

At that, Bandit could bear it no longer, and said, "DAD! TAKE ME BACK!" But as Bob faded away, he said "You can do that yourself." and everything went black.

Bandit woke up on the floor surrounded by a mess of blankets and pillows. When he got to his paws, Chilli asked him, "BANDIT! What happened?!" and Bandit said, "Well honey, let's just say I'm happy to be me!" and it was true! Bandit came into the kitchen that morning with an optimism unlike any he had displayed before. He even let the girls play Ticklecrabs with him and Chilli!

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