Episode XV: The Diddums Show

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"Okay, are we ready?" I asked, "ready when you are!" Bingo said enthusiastically, "ready as I'll ever be!" said Jean-Luc, equally as enthused, "ready" said Dad, slightly less enthused. "HOORAY!" cried Chloe, who was holding the drone control thingy. "Okay," I said, "and ACTION!" so, the shoot began.

"Hello children!" I said upon walking back into the living room with Jean-Luc by my side, "how was your day at school today?" "oh, more of the same," said Diddums, "I was doing my business, Snowdrop was being cheeky as always, and-" "DIDDUMS!" I cut him off mid-sentence,  "You will NOT say that about your sister!" before anyone else could say more, Jean-Luc said, "well, just so you know, Polly's family is coming for dinner tonight, so be on your best behavior" "oh no" was all Diddums said, while Snowdrop just smirked devilishly.

Soon, the doorbell rang, and I went to answer it. When I came to the door, I saw Mum-I mean, Polly, flanked by her parents, Indy and Rusty. "Hi Bluey!" said Rusty and Indy in unison. "Hi guys, and Polly." I said "Bonjour" was all Jean-Luc said. Afterwards, we all sat down to dinner. However, things would soon spin wildly out of control.

Dinner started as normally as it could. Indy, Rusty, Jean-Luc and I chatted over the pizzas, Diddums was sulking as usual, and Snowdrop was being her usual angelic self. Polly meanwhile, was bonding with Diddums over a seemingly shared disdain for Snowdrop. But things would take a turn for the worse, when...

Diddums and Snowdrop were sitting down to watch TV. However, they soon started to fight over what to watch, Snowdrop wanted to watch Cat Squad, but Diddums wanted to watch one of those adult shows he likes to watch, Weirder Stuff I think it was, but that's neither here nor there. Point is, this began to get out of hand, so I decided to put my paw down, and declared, "DIDDUMS! How very dare you!" "MUM!" Diddums groaned, "I wanted to watch my stuff, but Snowdrop-" "Diddums, you know that Snowdrop gets to decide what to watch! And as for you, you stand in the corner!" so, I grabbed Diddums' ear and dragged him to the corner. But then, Polly came to comfort him, and I began to feel guilty. So...

While I apologized to Diddums for what he did, Snowdrop was taken to her room, and Jean-Luc rolled in that new mini TV Diddums and Polly brought a while back. Meanwhile, Polly and Diddums could finally watch their show, which I just found out is called Stranger Things.

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